The Power of Choice. Michael C. Hyter

The Power of Choice - Michael C. Hyter

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      Almost all positions afford opportunities to learn how to influence others. Perhaps you want to convince others to go along with a process change or shape the entry of a new person into your work group. Maybe you have a recommendation for a new product or service, or you have a suggestion for enhancing an existing one. These are all good opportunities to practice influencing others.

      I encouraged him to stick it out, enjoy the visibility it offered, and look for ways to actively participate. I suggested he start by looking for clues to each person's short‐ and long‐term interests relative to this project. What did each of them envision as the benefits to the company if the group was successful? What were the personal and professional benefits each envisioned attaining? What was each person's point of view? What information did he have access to, given his position, that the other members of the group didn't?

      He took my advice and adopted a new outlook. He not only looked for clues at meetings but he also went out of his way to have at least one discussion with each member outside the formal meetings. People got to know him as an individual, and he grew in his understanding of how they thought and what was important to them.

      There was a moment when he recognized an opportunity for an improvement with one of the processes. I watched him muster the nerve and confidence to strategically position his idea in the context of what he had learned about the other members of the task force and how it could contribute to the outcomes mentioned by many of them. He was amazed to see people respond so favorably to an idea he proposed. Eventually, a version of his idea was implemented. Imagine what that did for his confidence—and his standing in the company.

      Given their importance, I've devoted entire chapters to relational and influence skills. Chapter 6 is about how to develop meaningful connections based on trust and shared objectives. In Chapter 7, I offer guidance on how to develop the influence skills that allow you to shape your reality rather than react to it.

      The good news is that these relational and influence skills are learnable. No matter what assumptions you've made about your capability to be a socially graceful or compelling personality, you can become more adept at making connections and mobilizing the minds and actions of others. It will require your effort and attention. It will require practice and making some mistakes along the way. The payoff, however, will be a greater capacity to have a meaningful impact—on your own behalf and on behalf of your organization.

      The Power of Choice

       Adopt Key Ideas

       Technical proficiency is absolutely required for career success. The most highly valued people in today's organizations also develop the relational and influence skills to interact effectively and shape the work and opinions of others.

       By developing all three areas of proficiency—technical, relational, and influential—you can increase your options and engineer the career that is most satisfying to you.

       Begin Now

       In which area do you feel most skillful? How do you leverage your skill in order to accomplish what's important to you?

       In what area would you like to grow your comfort and expertise?

       What steps will you take to practice and build your skill in this area?

       What will be the benefit of extending this effort?

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