EMPOWERED. Marty Cagan
is one of the finest product leaders I know. The product managers who worked for him went on to become great product leaders themselves, in some of the best tech companies around. If you want to learn from the best, this book captures those lessons.”
Doug Camplejohn, EVP and GM, Sales Cloud, Salesforce
“Once again, Marty's wisdom and unique perspective have synthesized best‐in‐class companies, cultures, and leaders into a thesis and set of principles that are transformational. Easy to consume and apply, EMPOWERED is a must read for product leaders and all leaders who are convinced there must be a better way.”
Chuck Geiger, former CTO Chegg, IAC, PayPal, eBay, Wine.com, Travelocity
"If you're leading product people or even the whole product organization of your company, this book is for you. It's the first book to outline the underlying philosophy behind stellar product organizations from a leader's perspective, and its many examples make it easy to understand these concepts and apply them in your company's environment."
Petra Wille, Product Leadership Coach
“As one of the most respected leaders on product globally, Marty takes us for a fascinating ride that will help you become a better product leader so you can do what you do best—create satisfying, engaging experiences for your users and customers.”
Simon Zhang, CEO, GrowingIO
“To thrive in this age of constant disruption, companies must accelerate innovation and continuously deliver products customers love. A higher level of consistent innovation can only come from truly empowered teams. Over the past several years, Marty's insights, practical advice, and wisdom have been immensely valuable during our transformation to a highly empowered product organization. In this book, Marty provides an essential blueprint for building empowered teams. If you are serious about achieving extraordinary business results and developing a product innovation culture you can be truly proud of, this is a must‐read!”
Shamim Mohammad, SVP, Chief Information and Technology Officer, CarMax
"I've had the good fortune to work with Marty for many years, and yet, every time he comes out with a new book or article, I'm filled with both excitement and fear. What new product techniques are our competitors using that we are missing? EMPOWERED hits the mark dead on, and provides a recipe for creating great products. Marty has a knack for making difficult product techniques seem both necessary and tangible. Read the book and rejuvenate your company!”
Jeff Trom, CTO, Workiva
“The core challenge of all tech companies today is to be a truly product‐led organization, with continuous product innovation resulting in sustainable competitive advantage. EMPOWERED gives executives and leaders the key to understand how they need to change their companies in order to survive and thrive.”
Frerk‐Malte Feller, COO, Afterpay
“If you are wondering what will ensure your company survives, or why your products are failing, read this book. This is the ‘how to’ manual for building great product companies that last."
Amanda Richardson, CEO, CoderPad
"I included INSPIRED as mandatory reading for anyone joining my product development teams. Now I'll add EMPOWERED to the list of mandatory reading."
Joca Torres, CPO, Gympass
"INSPIRED has been a manual for our team to build better products. EMPOWERED is now a manual to build a stronger team. Everything I've read from SVPG is spot on, and often feels like I can use it the same day."
Ian Cairns, Head of Product for Twitter Developer Platform
"EMPOWERED is first and foremost about permission. Companies have to give themselves the permission to orient around a culture of product centricity. Everything from org structure, to technology, to culture and coaching derives from this. And nothing embodies this idea more than Marty's writings."
Punit Soni, founder, CEO, Suki
The Silicon Valley Product Group Series
INSPIRED: How to Create Tech Products Customers Love, 2nd Edition (Marty Cagan, 2017)
EMPOWERED: Ordinary People, Extraordinary Products (Marty Cagan with Chris Jones, 2021)
TRANSFORMED: Becoming a Product‐Driven Company (Lea Hickman, 2021)
LOVED: How to Market Tech Products Customers Adore (Martina Lauchengco, 2021)
Silicon Valley Product Group
Copyright © 2021 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.
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