An Introduction to Molecular Biotechnology. Группа авторов

An Introduction to Molecular Biotechnology - Группа авторов

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the intestine tract, in bladder, in arteries, and in veins); no striation, controlled via the autonomous nervous system Heart muscle cell Striated, heart contraction Gametes Sperm cells Male gamete (haploid) Egg cells Female gamete (haploid)

      Many simple organisms (bacteria but also eukaryotes such as yeast, algae, or protozoa) consist of a single cell, whereas more highly developed organisms are multicellular. The level of bacteria and unicellular eukaryotes already shows a fascinating degree of differentiation and variety of shapes that are genetically controlled.

      In multicellular organisms, an increasing specialization and division of labor can be observed in the cells. Through differentiation, huge differences occur in architecture, size, and function of the cells. The differentiated cells form specific tissues and organs that communicate with each other. In humans, more than 1013 cells of 200 different types (Table 3.9) are found in various tissues and organ systems. The human genome contains about 21 000 protein‐coding genes, of which less than 30% are needed to provide the essential proteins for a cell. What makes the division of cells and tissue possible is the differential expression of the genome. During the differentiation process, further genes are activated, while the majority of genes in a cell remain switched off. The specific selection and combination of expressed genes make a wide range of functions and structures possible.

      If animal cells are injured mechanically, by wounding, heat or deep temperatures, or toxic chemicals, they often die spontaneously in a process called necrosis. Necrotic cells release their content in the environment and usually elicit an inflammatory response.

      Cells do not live forever; they can show senescence (see Section 4.1.2 on telomeres and telomerase) and can eventually die in a programmed cell death, termed apoptosis. Cells then shrink, the cytoskeleton collapses, the nuclear envelope disassembles, and the chromosomes become fragmented. DNA shows a typical ladder when studied by electrophoresis. Cells break into several smaller compartments, the apoptotic bodies, which are eventually degraded by macrophages through phagocytosis. Thus, apoptotic cells do no leave a corpse behind. Apoptosis occurs during the development of tissues and organs but also in aging tissues and organs. Also some chemicals that disturb membranes or DNA can induce apoptosis.

Schematic outline depicting the apoptotic pathways. Apoptosis is triggered by a group of intracellular proteases, termed caspases (c for cysteine and asp for aspartic acid).

      The initial signal for apoptosis can derive from the extrinsic pathway or the intrinsic (mitochondrial pathway). The extrinsic pathway becomes activated, when certain signal proteins bind to surface death receptors, which belong to the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor family. The death receptor consists of a TNF receptor plus a Fas death receptor. When a killer lymphocyte with Fas ligands binds to the Fas death receptor, intracellular adaptor proteins bind to initiator caspases (caspase 8) forming a death‐inducing signaling complex(DISC). DISC actives downstream the executioner caspases.

      1 Murphy, K. and Weaver, C. (2017). Immunobiology. New York: Garland Science.

      2 Parham, P. (2015). The Immune System. New York: Arland Science.

      3 Voet, D., Voet, J.G.,

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