An Introduction to Molecular Biotechnology. Группа авторов
of specific protein interaction partners by Co‐IP,...Figure 8.7 MALDI‐TOF fingerprinting of microorganisms. (a) Generation and an...
9 Chapter 9Figure 9.1 Mammalian chromosomal DNA in solution (right) precipitated after ...Figure 9.2 Separated plasmid DNA after ultracentrifugation in a CsCl–EtBr gr...Figure 9.3 Scheme of DNA purification for prokaryotes or eukaryotes using a ...
10 Chapter 10Figure 10.1 Agarose gel electrophoresis of plasmid DNA in the presence of Et...
11 Chapter 11Figure 11.1 Classical setup of a Southern blot after.Figure 11.2 Genetic analysis of transgenic mice by Southern blotting. Genomi...Figure 11.3 Analysis of gene expression in two strains of transgenic mice (2...Figure 11.4 Result of the expression screening of thousands of genes using l...Figure 11.5 FISH in chromosome preparations. (a) Detection of a deletion in ...Figure 11.6 ISH of two developmental genes (even skipped [blue] and fushi ta...
12 Chapter 12Figure 12.1 The discovery of restriction endonucleases such as HindIII was a...Figure 12.2 Palindromic sequence recognized by a restriction enzyme. The sym...Figure 12.3 Restriction sites of the restriction enzymes XbaI, AluI, and Pst...Figure 12.4 In order to incorporate nucleotides, a polymerase requires a DNA...
13 Chapter 13Figure 13.1 Schematic outline of PCR. (a) Basic principle: double‐stranded D...Figure 13.2 Increase in DNA copies, determined by using quantitative real‐ti...Figure 13.3 Schematic representation of the quantitative real‐time detection...
14 Chapter 14Figure 14.1 Schematic representation of the Sanger sequencing technique. The...Figure 14.2 Schematic representation of the pyrosequencing technique. (a) Nu...Figure 14.3 Schematic representation of the Illumina sequencing system. (a) ...Figure 14.4 Schematic representation of the Ion Torrent sequencing system. (...
15 Chapter 15Figure 15.1 Cloning, amplification, and selection of heterologous DNA in hos...
16 Chapter 16Figure 16.1 Which organism for recombinant protein expression?Figure 16.2 Growth and protein induction in an E. coli culture using an...Figure 16.3 Life cycle of wild‐type and recombinant baculoviruses. (a) After...
17 Chapter 17Figure 17.1 Patch clamp setup. Motorized micromanipulators (a) are mounted o...Figure 17.2 Working principle of a patch clamp amplifier and the effect of t...Figure 17.3 Patch clamp configurations. When the patch pipette touches the c...Figure 17.4 Paired whole‐cell recording of pyramidal neurons from mouse cere...
18 Chapter 18Figure 18.1 The cell cycle and its phases in S. cerevisiae.Figure 18.2 Regulation of the cell cycle in the yeast S. cerevisiae. Ad...Figure 18.3 Elutriation – schematic view.Figure 18.4 Mating cycle of S. cerevisiae. The presence of a‐ and α‐fac...Figure 18.5 DAPI staining and differential interference contrast (DIC) micro...Figure 18.6 Cell cycle profiles after DNA staining and fluorescence‐activate...Figure 18.7 Schematic configuration of a laser scanning microscope. PMT, pho...Figure 18.8 Plotting the progression throughout the cell cycle in yeast cell...Figure 18.9 Visualization of cell cycle phases using the FUCCI expression an...
19 Chapter 19Figure 19.1 Layout of optical components in a basic TEM.Figure 19.2 Functional principle of the AFM. The scan table moves the sample...Figure 19.3 Functional principle of the confocal microscope. Through the bea...
20 Chapter 20Figure 20.1 Setup of a ruby laser.Figure 20.2 Effect of optical tweezers or trap on an object.
21 Chapter 21Figure 21.1 Cost estimate for sequencing of a single human genome and its pr...Figure 21.2 Just a minor fraction of the human genome encodes proteins (i.e....Figure 21.3 ENCODE encyclopedia of DNA Elements. The goal of ENCODE is to bu...Figure 21.4 Major types of variation found in genomes. A lot of such variati...
22 Chapter 22Figure 22.1 The three networks of a cell.Figure 22.2 A linear regression function (red line) is fitted to the express...Figure 22.3 The machine learning system needs features of the network, the g...Figure 22.4 (a) An example of a simple network. Knocking out reaction (22.3)...Figure 22.5 TCA cycle and glyoxylate shunt of E. coli for the example in the...Figure 22.6 Numerical simulation of the Michaelis–Menten equations, (a) fast...Figure 22.7 Stimulus response of the Hill equation for increasing Hill expon...Figure 22.8 Model of the MAPK signaling pathway. (a) Schematic representatio...Figure 22.9 Euler integration scheme for two consecutive time steps. Note ho...Figure 22.10 Linear regression and parameter estimation. (a) The true output...Figure 22.11 Schematic representation of the signaling pathway leading to ca...Figure 22.12 Caspase‐3 levels can reach two different steady states, dependi...Figure 22.13 Phase‐space plot of Eq. (22.21). The rate of change dC3/dt is p...Figure 22.14 The steady states (stable, solid line; unstable, dotted line) o...Figure 22.15 Architecture of an autocatalytic positive feedback of the rtTA...Figure 22.16 Mutual inhibition of two molecules on transcription (a) and pro...Figure 22.17 Simulation of the mutual inhibition mechanism (Eq. (22.23)). Pa...
23 Chapter 23Figure 23.1 Protein domains of the Src oncoprotein. The Src protein has thre...Figure 23.2 RNA polymerase II, a multimeric protein complex. (a) Crystal str...Figure 23.3 Protein interaction network of Helicobacter pylori. This map was...Figure 23.4 Selected methods for the study of protein–protein interactions. ...Figure 23.5 Predicting protein–protein interactions using docking and evolut...Figure 23.6 The NF‐κB signaling pathway as an example for protein–protein an...Figure 23.7 Crystal structure of the Zinc uptake regulator (Zur) in complex ...Figure 23.8 Watson–Crick pairing and hydrogen bond pattern of the 2 bp A–T a...Figure 23.9 ChIP‐Seq, a global method to map binding sites of DNA‐binding pr...Figure 23.10 Network representation of transcriptional regulation (a) transc...Figure 23.11 Crystal structure of EthR from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. This...Figure 23.12 Schematic representation of the Cas9 endonuclease with its gui...
24 Chapter 24Figure 24.1 Kyte–Doolittle plot of bacteriorhodopsin from Halobacterium spp....Figure 24.2 Part of a multiple alignment of sequences of the a subunit of ca...Figure 24.3 Jukes–Cantor model. Each single nucleotide changes to any other ...Figure 24.4 Consequences of time reversibility. Two actual sequences, 1 and ...Figure 24.5 Multiple substitutions. Several types of multiple substitutions ...Figure 24.6 Operating principle of a simple HMM. In this case, there are onl...Figure 24.7 Results of a classification experiment. Bone marrow samples from...
25 Chapter 25Figure 25.1 Distribution of targets of known therapeutic agents over protein...Figure 25.2 Domain structure of GPCRs. H1–H7 are the seven α‐helices, e...Figure 25.3 Target validation pyramid. Genomic methods (sequence analysis, e...Figure 25.4 Filter‐binding and FRET assays. The top part shows a FRET assay ...Figure 25.5 Potency and efficiency. Compounds A and B are similar in potency...
26 Chapter 26Figure 26.1 EPR effect. Drug carriers permeate through the pathologically ch...Figure 26.2 Schematic diagram to illustrate physical targeting. The active s...Figure 26.3 Structure of liposomes that can be used for drug targeting. (a) ...Figure 26.4 Prodrug principle. The free drug cannot cross a membrane barrier...Figure 26.5 Phenytoin and fosphenytoin. Fosphenytoin is around 40 times more...Figure 26.6 Prodrugs of ampicillin. The functional acid group makes it diffi...Figure 26.7 Pivaloyloxyethyl ester of methyldopa. Esterification greatly imp...Figure 26.8 Dipivefrin, a dipivalyl ester of epinephrine, is used to treat g...Figure 26.9 Targeting of the CNS using a redox‐based prodrug system. The dru...Figure 26.10 Azo prodrugs of aminosalicylic acid, used to treat inflammatory...Figure 26.11 Dexamethasone‐21‐β‐D‐glucoside. Following administration, up to...Figure 26.12 Ftorafur [1‐(2‐tetrahydrofuranyl)‐5‐fluorouracil]. This has an ...
27 Chapter 27Figure 27.1 Overview of mutations in a protein‐coding gene that can influenc...Figure 27.2 Mutation of a single nucleotide. A given nucleic acid sequence (...Figure 27.3 Mutations through repeat expansion or reduction. The repeat of a...Figure 27.4 Gene duplication. In a few cases the duplication of an entire ge...Figure 27.5 Epigenetics: DNA methylation. The expression of a gene can also ...Figure 27.6 Overview of PCR‐based approaches for the detection of target seq...Figure 27.7 DNA microarrays: the principle. DNA microarrays are a further de...Figure 27.8 PCR detection of a length polymorphism. Length insertions and de...Figure 27.9 RFLP. If a mutation disrupts a given restriction enzyme recognit...Figure 27.10 ARCS. If the mutation of interest does not alter a restriction ...Figure 27.11 ARMS. PCR analysis of the negative influence