Neurobiology For Dummies. Frank Amthor
its concentration across the membrane — due to diffusion and electric field forces created by sodium-potassium pumps — we find that the resting membrane potential is due mostly to the resting potassium conductance. Opening sodium channels that depolarize the inside of the neuron change all this drastically.
Controlling ion permeability: Gated channels
Earlier in this chapter, I explain that ion channels can be gated either by ligands (neurotransmitters) or voltage. Gating changes the channel’s state from closed to open, or vice versa. Gated channels are at the core of how neurons integrate and process inputs, and how they communicate with other neurons (or, as neurobiologists always say, “No neuron is an island”). Neurons receive messages in the form of neurotransmitters through ligand-gated channels on their dendrites, soma, and, in some cases, axon. These inputs are excitatory if the receptors flux sodium ions, inhibitory if they flux potassium or chloride.
Making Spikes with Sodium and Potassium Channels
Imagine a neuron at its resting potential of about –65 mV. Some other neuron that is presynaptic to this one releases glutamate, which binds to the first neuron’s excitatory glutamate receptors. This process opens a glutamate receptor, which passes a (mostly) sodium current. Sodium rushes into the cytoplasm from outside the neuron and depolarizes it, reducing potential across the membrane from –65 mV to around –20 mV. This is above the threshold for voltage-gated sodium channels in the first neuron’s membrane, which are now open.
Getting back to resting potential
Sodium channels close themselves.
Voltage-dependent potassium channels open.
Voltage-dependent channels
The sudden opening and then closing of many voltage-dependent sodium channels produces an action potential, or spike — sharp voltage change across the cell’s membrane.
Reaching action potential
The period immediately following an action potential when it’s more difficult or impossible to elicit a second action potential is called the refractory period. It has two phases:
Absolute refractory period: The absolute refractory period is when the sodium channels are in the inactivated state. In this state no additional action potential can be elicited, no matter how strong the depolarizing input.
Relative refractory period: The relative refractory period is when the potassium channels are still open, but the sodium channels have transition from closed, inactivatable, to closed, activatable. Another spike is hard — but not impossible — to produce because of the relative refractory period after the sodium channel transitions (from the inactivated to the closed state) and potassium currents are lingering.
See how these events play out in Figure 3-2.
Figure 3-2: Event sequence underlying action potential, including voltage across the membrane (V), sodium channel conductance (gNa), and potassium channel conductance (gK).
The trace in Figure 3-2 labeled “V” is the membrane potential, and the scale for this trace is on the left. At the start of the plot, the membrane potential is at the resting level, or about –65 mV. As sodium channels open, the potential moves toward the sodium equilibrium potential (although it may not actually reach this 55 mV level). The membrane potential then declines to a level below the resting potential, and then finally returns to the resting potential.
The other two traces in Figure 3-2 show the sodium and potassium permeabilities that control this membrane potential. The action potential (voltage, membrane potential trace) is caused by any input that depolarizes the cell enough to open the voltage-dependent sodium channels. The permeability (a biophysical term corresponding to electrical conductance) of the sodium channels is given by the gNa trace, whose values (conductance) correspond to the axis on the right. This conductance is nearly zero at the resting potential, rises to a maximum near the membrane potential peak, and then returns to zero through