Investing in Gold & Silver For Dummies. Paul Mladjenovic
an asset that fits an investor’s profile and goals, and that is meant to be held long term (in years). The asset will always run into ups and downs, but as long as the asset you’re holding is trending upward (a bull market), you’ll be okay.
Investing in precious metals may not be for everyone, but it’s an appropriate consideration for many investment portfolios. The common stock of large or midsize mining companies is a good example of an appropriate vehicle for investors. (See Chapter 7 for details.) Another great vehicle for investors is exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and mutual funds (covered in Chapter 8).
The gold and silver venue for traders could be mining stocks (see Chapter 7), but more likely it would be futures and/or options because they’re faster-moving markets. Get more information on futures in Chapter 12 and options in Chapter 13.
Speculating can be likened to “financial gambling.” Speculating means that you’re making an educated guess about the direction of a particular asset’s price move. You’re looking for big price moves to generate a large profit as quickly as possible, but you also understand that it can be very risky and volatile. Your appetite for greater potential profit coupled with increased risk is similar to the trader (see the previous section), but your time frame is different. Speculating can be either short term or long term.
Your gold and silver venue of choice could be stocks, but more likely, the stocks would be of mining companies (called junior mining stocks or exploratory companies) that are typically smaller companies with greater price potential (see Chapter 7). Speculating is also done in leveraged and inverse ETFs (covered in Chapter 11).
For shorter-term speculating, my main preference is long-dated options on stocks, futures, or ETFs. If you think that a stock, ETF, or futures contract is going up in the short term, then use call options. If you think their price will decline or crash in the short term, then consider put options. Both types of options are covered in Chapter 13.
Building Your Financial Profile
Your approach to gold and silver will be dictated by what type of participant you plan on being (conservative, aggressive, and so forth) and what goals you have (long term, short term, or intermediate term). Some approaches with gold and silver are great for, say, retirement while others are more short term to fund near-term projects like adding to savings or for a down payment on a real estate purchase. Spend plenty of time analyzing your personal style, your needs, and your goals.
For the conservative investor
A conservative investor seeks quality investments (such as stocks with good fundamentals and undervalued assets such as silver) and holds them for the long term. Conservative investors generally avoid short-term speculating and trading, and they avoid assets that are not undervalued and that offer features such as paying dividends. They also participate in a market where there are favorable trends (such as increasing demand for the product/service offered) so that the stock or asset has steady price appreciation going forward.
The conservative investor should consider a long-term approach with quality vehicles and quality stocks (meaning profitable and financially strong companies). The best vehicles would be some mix of the following:
Direct physical bullion (see Chapter 9)
Major mining stocks (see Chapter 7)
Physical gold and silver ETFs (see Chapter 8)
Major mining stock ETFs
Gold and silver mutual funds (see Chapter 8)
For the growth investor
Growth investors hope to add assets or stocks/ETFs that have strong potential in the near to long term to rise in value (strong price appreciation). They see growth as the primary concern, and income (such as dividends) is either a minor or unimportant consideration.
For those who prefer choices that have greater growth potential while tolerating more risk, the range of choices are
Major mining stocks (as a foundational choice; see Chapter 7)
Junior mining stocks
Junior mining stock ETFs (see Chapter 8)
Mining stock leveraged ETFs (but not a huge amount; see Chapter 11)
For the speculator
A speculator seeks rapid price appreciation in the near term (over weeks or months) and accepts the possibility that volatility and (hopefully) temporary price declines may occur on the path to high potential gains.
Speculators want to get set up for outsized gains, so they’ve done their homework and are aware of greater risks. Here are their range of choices:
Junior mining stocks (see Chapter 7)
Junior mining stocks leveraged ETFs (see Chapter 11)
Long-dated call and put options (see Chapter 13)