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✓ ✗ n + 1 m 2m + 1 MINLP LTS ✓ ✗ n + m m 2m + 1 MINLP LMR ✓ ✓ n m 2m MINLP

      The acronyms NLP and MINLP represent nonlinear problem and mixed integer nonlinear problem, respectively. The symbol ✓ indicates “needed,” while the symbol ✗ indicates “not needed.”

Schematic illustration of the comparison of continuous variables, binary variables, and additional constraints.

      In Figure 2.7, observe that the LMS and LTS estimators require the highest number of both continuous/binary variables and additional constraints. The computational burden of these algorithms is thus expected to be heavier than that of the others.

      2.5.9 Illustrative Example

Schematic illustration of the four-bus system which is an example of alternative estimators.
Line Resistance (p.u.) Reactance (p.u.) Susceptance (p.u.)
1–2 0.010 08 0.0504 0.1025
1–3 0.007 44 0.0372 0.0775
1–4 0.007 44 0.0372 0.0775
1–4 0.012 72 0.0636 0.1275
Bus no. Voltage magnitude (p.u.) Voltage angle (rad)
1 1.000 0.000
2 0.985 −0.008
3 0.973 −0.025
4 1.020 0.038
Measurement Value (p.u.) Measurement Value (p.u.)
V 1 0.993 P 2, 4 −1.350
P 1 0.963 Q 2, 1 −0.293
P 1, 2 0.204 V 3 0.974
P 1, 3 0.750 P 3, 4 −1.076
Q 1 0.762 V 4 1.025
Q 1, 3 0.556
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