Understanding Disney. Janet Wasko

Understanding Disney - Janet  Wasko

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Disney’s representation of race Marxist analysis/the imperialist Disney A note on Disney comics Disney’s representation of the natural world True-Life Adventures The Living Desert Disney as a model for nature films Disneynature Reading the Disney Multiverse Notes

      9  6 Dissecting Disney’s Worlds History of Disney’s worlds Current overview Disneyland Resort Walt Disney World Resort Tokyo Disneyland Resort Disneyland Paris Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Shanghai Disneyland Resort Analyzing Disney worlds Themes from a theme park Synergy Commodification/consumption Commercialization/corporatism “I’m going to Disneyland” “Backstage magic” Predictability and expectations Control, control, control Control of the theme-park experience Control over imaginations Control as a motif Control over the appearance and behavior of employees Control over the environment Control over its destiny Classic Disney and beyond The past: Walt Disney’s America Back to the future? Mobility/transportation Postmodern analysis and synthetic experiences Celebration: living in a Disney world? Disney parks outside the United States Tokyo Disneyland Disneyland Paris Hong Kong Disneyland Shanghai Disney Understanding Disney’s worlds Notes

      10  7 Disney and the World Defining Disney audiences/consumers The Disney brand Audiences or consumers? “Children of all ages” Studying Disney audiences Disney’s market research Academic audience research Early academic research on Disney audiences Studying Disney, gender, and audiences Other Disney audience studies Global Disney/international audiences Disney confessions Disney archetypes Disney fanatics Disney lifestyle Disney birthdays Disney weddings Disney collecting/Disneyana Disney fan clubs Disney publications Disney fans Disney consumers Скачать книгу