If You Don't Feed the Students, They Starve. Neila A. Connors
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“I love this book because you can turn to any page and find that Neila Connors offers you positive and proven ‘recipes’ carefully curated from schools and classrooms all over the country to help you make your school even more exciting, engaging, caring, safe, and fun! It is written for educators who love their students and yearn for a return to a time when pervasive happy and meaningful relationships among everyone in schools were the bedrock of raising student achievement. It is the perfect sequel to Neila Connors's first book, If You Don't Feed the Teachers, They'll Eat the Students, a book that I continue to share with teachers I work with and is beloved by all.”
Judith Enright, Education Consultant
“If You Don't F.E.E.D. the Students, They S.T.A.R.V.E. is filled with a menu of strategies, supports, activities and ideas to challenge our students, ourselves, and our schools to be the best we can be!”
Anna M. Farrell, Retired Educator
“Dr. Connors's newest buffet of positive strategies in education today is a must-read. Sample her ideas about making learning relevant for students. Celebrate her personal recipe box of changes you can make in your students. Going to school should be a 5-star experience for our kids. Stir it up. Spice it up. Get ready to be waited on by the finest education chef herself.”
Patty Dailey, Middle School Teacher
“In my 40 years in education, never has a book been so critical. This book reinforces our why and shows us how we can transform schools through humor and knowledge. Every staff member will find renewal and discovery through this extraordinary collection of strategies.”
Martinrex Kedziora, Ed.D., Superintendent, Moreno Valley Unified School District
“I have used Dr. Connors's work with my graduate-level students, in Educational Leadership courses, for the past several years. These educators are hungry for more of Neila's positive strategies and excellent ideas. Dr. Connors's newest book, If You Don't F.E.E.D. the Students, They S.T.A.R.V.E. provides a delectable menu of choices for practitioners of all experience levels. Please reserve me a table for 25.”
Glady Van Harpen, PhD, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
If You Don't F.E.E.D. the Students, They S.T.A.R.V.E.
Neila A. Connors, PhD
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ISBN 9780470577790 (paperback)
ISBN 9781118418383 (ePDF)
ISBN 9781118415368 (ePub)
Cover Design and Illustrations: Paul McCarthy