The Digital Economy. Tim Jordan

The Digital Economy - Tim Jordan

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the WWW and data on searchers – to the monetisation of targeted ads. Three terms are then pushing their way to the fore in these digital economic practices: community, trust and privacy. In conclusion, it is worth highlighting these more explicitly, as part of an abstract diagram of search as a digital economic practice to be further developed with other case studies.

      A search engine needs trust. The comparison of Baidu and Google on paying for search results to be integrated among the ‘purer’ results bring this issue to the fore. If a searcher does not trust a search engine to deliver at least reasonable results, then the use of the engine comes into question. This is exacerbated by the obscurity of search processes, particularly in relation to key algorithms remaining jealously guarded trade secrets. The existence of DuckDuckGo – along with Mojeek, which has a similar ethical stance on searching and privacy – points to a growing understanding of the importance of trust.

      Privacy should perhaps be understood as ‘privacy and surveillance’, for the ‘reading’ of communities in their two dimensions creates detailed maps of individuals’ preferences, all the better to deliver advertisements. Google has sometimes claimed that it is not in the advertising business but sees advertisements as knowledge and that it simply wishes to deliver better knowledge to its users, in line with its mission statement ‘to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful’. Yet its search results, like those of other search engines, come at a cost which threatens trust, not so much in terms of their accuracy, but by their breaching of privacy, which becomes obvious when ads are targeted at users who can hardly miss the way Mickey Mouse or beach holidays follow them around the WWW. To fuel search as a free service, communities have to give up information on their social relations, and to refine the search, individuals have to give up data about themselves in order to be profiled – to be identified as the same as or different from other individuals. All this raises issues of privacy and of how search engines manage to retain trust.

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