Path Planning of Cooperative Mobile Robots Using Discrete Event Models. Cristian Mahulea

Path Planning of Cooperative Mobile Robots Using Discrete Event Models - Cristian Mahulea

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field of mobile robotics: visibility graph and Voronoi diagram.

      The visibility graph (or V‐graph), formally described by Lozano‐Perez and Wesley in the 1970s [142], represents a complete and easy to implement algorithm. This algorithm is based on constructing an undirected graph where edges come as close as possible to obstacles, then resulting in minimum‐length paths. An important aspect is that obstacles can be inflated in order to avoid an incident where the robot could pass by too close to them, which could lead to collisions [58]. The main drawbacks of this algorithm are that it can demand a high computation time for getting a trajectory in environments with complicated obstacles, and some points of the path are too close to obstacles if inflation is not used. The fast dynamic visibility graph (DVG) approach proposed in [100] represents an efficient implementation of the traditional V‐graph. The V‐graph has been largely used by the robotics community from Shakey in the 1970s to recent publications like [39], where the V‐graph algorithm is used to find the obstacle‐free path after processing digital images acquired by a camera onboard a mobile robot.


      The second big category comprising exact planning algorithms is cell decomposition. This strategy is based on partitioning the free configuration space into a finite set of regions that can be safely traversed by a robot. Cell decompositions are often employed in high‐level planning approaches where the robot may visit some regions based on logic or temporal requirements (this feature is extended in Section 1.4 and in subsequent chapters).

      Together with combinatorial or exact planning algorithms, another broad body of research in the field of path planning nowadays is related to sampling‐based planning methods. The first algorithm, called Probabilistic Roadmap (PRM), was proposed by Lydia E. Kavraki and Jean‐Claude Latombe in the 1990s [106]. The advantage of PRM is that relatively few points need to be tested to ascertain that the points and the paths between them are obstacle free [41]. The efficacy of several variations of the PRM algorithm is discussed in [75].

      A major drawback of PRM is that it assumes that the robot is a point with omnidirectional capabilities. The Rapidly exploring Random Tree (RRT) algorithm takes into account the model of the robot, e.g. differential‐drive motion [134]. However, the main drawback of RRT is that it does not lead to an optimal path. This aspect is overcome by a variant of RRT called RRT*; this algorithm does guarantee the optimality and can find the optimal trajectory when applied to complex non‐holonomic systems [2, 104, 138]. In recent literature, there are numerous RRT‐based strategies trying to ensure optimality despite uncertainty in the motion of the robot [136, 143].

      The key goal of a mobile robot is to follow the route generated by the path planner, and this goal is responsible for the motion controller. More specifically, robot control deals with the problem of determining the forces (or velocities) that must be developed by the robotic actuators in order for the robot to go to a desired position, track a desired trajectory, and, in general, perform some tasks with desired performance requirements [202].

      Essentially the control problem must ensure

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