We will demonstrate that if the excitation frequency ω that appears in is replaced by the resonant frequency , Eq. (2.6.7) will give the same resonant response as the rigorous Eq. (2.6.1). Using the solutions for p0(y, ω) and p1(y, ω) in Eq. (2.6.3), replacing ω by in C1, and recalling Eq. (2.6.2) for the definition of B0(ω) and B1(ω), Eq. (2.6.9) becomes
with the generalized mass, damping and force of the equivalent SDF system given by Eq. (2.6.10), a comparison of Eqs. (2.6.7) and (2.6.1) shows that , i.e. the equivalent SDF system gives the exact value for the fundamental resonant response of the dam–water system.
The natural vibration frequency, , of the equivalent SDF system is ; substituting and Eq. (2.6.10a) for , gives
Because appears on both sides, this equation must be solved iteratively for . Hydrodynamic effects always reduce the natural vibration frequency because Re[B1(ω)] > 0 for all excitation frequencies. Does Eq. (2.6.11), determined from the properties of the equivalent SDF system, give the correct reduction in frequency of the dam due to dam–water interaction? The fundamental resonant frequency of the dam–water system is approximately given by the excitation frequency that makes the real‐valued component of the denominator in the exact fundamental mode response, Eq. (2.6.1), equal to zero. This argument also leads to Eq. (2.6.11), which demonstrates that the mass of the equivalent SDF system defined in Eqs. (2.6.5) and (2.6.6) reduces the fundamental resonant frequency of the dam due to hydrodynamic effects by the exact amount.
in which the added damping due to upstream propagation of hydrodynamic waves and their absorption at the reservoir bottom is represented by the frequency‐independent damping ratio, ζr, defined as
The damping ratio ζr is non‐negative because Im[B1(ω)] ≤ 0 for all excitation frequencies.
For dam–water systems with non‐absorptive reservoir bottom (α = 1), is real‐valued (Section 2.3). Thus, ma(y) is real‐valued and Eq. (2.6.11) reduces to the earlier result (Chopra 1978) for the natural vibration frequency of the equivalent SDF system; and the added damping ratio, ζr, is zero, so Eq. (2.6.13) reduces to the earlier expression (Chopra 1978) for the damping ratio of the equivalent SDF system. An absorptive reservoir bottom (α < 1) results in complex‐valued ma(y), which modifies the resonant frequency and increases the damping because now hydrodynamic pressure waves propagate upstream and refract into the absorptive reservoir bottom at the excitation frequency, .