Diagnostic Medical Parasitology. Lynne Shore Garcia
Figure 9.14 Example of large hard-body insects, which are triatomid bugs. These large insects can be pinned, labeled, and stored in boxes containing naphthalene flakes or paradichlorobenzene. (Courtesy of the CDC Public Health Image Library.) doi:10.1128/9781555819002.ch9.f14
Note Identification of the many species of arthropods can best be handled by an entomologist or specialist working with a particular arthropod group. Additional help with identification may be obtained at a local university entomology department, a military base (over 100 entomologists are employed by the U.S. Army and Navy), or the entomology department of natural history museums or the Smithsonian Institution (30).
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10 | Artifacts That Can Be Confused with Parasitic Organisms |