Statistics and Probability with Applications for Engineers and Scientists Using MINITAB, R and JMP. Bhisham C. Gupta
cards. An honor card is one of either a ten, Jack, Queen, King, or Ace of any suit. Then,
If there are no elements that belong to both E and F, then
and the sets E and F are said to be disjoint, or mutually exclusive.
If all elements in E are also contained in F, then we say that E is a subevent of F, and we write
This means that if E occurs, then F necessarily occurs. We sometimes say that E is contained in F, or that F contains E, if (3.2.4) occurs.
Example 3.2.10 (Sub events) Let S be the sample space obtained when five screws are drawn from a box of 100 screws of which 10 are defective. If E is the event consisting of all possible sets of five screws containing one defective screw and F is the event consisting of all possible sets of the five screws containing at least one defective, then
The set of elements in E that are not contained in F is called the difference between E and F; this is written as
If F is contained in E, then
Example 3.2.11 (Difference of two events) If E is the set of all possible bridge hands with exactly five spades and if F is the set of all possible hands with exactly six honor cards (10, J, Q, K, A), then
Figure 3.2.3 Venn diagram representing events
Similarly the event consisting of all elements contained in all
If for every pair of events (
An important result concerning several events is the following theorem.
Theorem 3.2.1 If
This result follows by noting that the events
3.3 Concepts of Probability
Suppose that a sample space S, consists of a finite number, say m, of elements