Statistics and Probability with Applications for Engineers and Scientists Using MINITAB, R and JMP. Bhisham C. Gupta

Statistics and Probability with Applications for Engineers and Scientists Using MINITAB, R and JMP - Bhisham C. Gupta

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cards. An honor card is one of either a ten, Jack, Queen, King, or Ace of any suit. Then, images is the set of all hands containing five spades or six honor cards, or both. images is the set of all hands containing five spades and six honor cards.

      If there are no elements that belong to both E and F, then


      and the sets E and F are said to be disjoint, or mutually exclusive.

      If all elements in E are also contained in F, then we say that E is a subevent of F, and we write

      Example 3.2.10 (Sub events) Let S be the sample space obtained when five screws are drawn from a box of 100 screws of which 10 are defective. If E is the event consisting of all possible sets of five screws containing one defective screw and F is the event consisting of all possible sets of the five screws containing at least one defective, then images.

      If images and images, then every element of E is an element of F, and vice versa. In this case, we say that E and F are equal or equivalent events; this is written as


      The set of elements in E that are not contained in F is called the difference between E and F; this is written as


      If F is contained in E, then images is the proper difference between E and F. In this case, we have


      If images are several events in a sample space S, the event consisting of all elements contained in one or more of the images is the union of images written as


Venn diagram representing events E, F, E \ F, and E ∩ F̄ displaying a horizontal ellipse enclosed in a rectangle. The ellipse is divided into 2 parts. The left part is labeled F and the right part has line labeled E \ F = E ∩ F̄.
, and


      If for every pair of events (images), images, from images we have that images, then images are disjoint and mutually exclusive events.

      An important result concerning several events is the following theorem.

      Theorem 3.2.1 If images are events in a sample space S, then images and images are disjoint events whose union is S.

      This result follows by noting that the events images and images are complement of each other.

      Suppose that a sample space S, consists of a finite number, say m, of elements images, so that the elements images are such that images for all images and also represent an exhaustive list of outcomes in S, so that images. If the operation whose sample space is S is repeated a large number of times, some of these repetitions will result in images, some in images, and so on. (The separate repetitions are often called trials.) Let images be the fractions of the total number of trials resulting in images, respectively. Then, Скачать книгу