Statistics and Probability with Applications for Engineers and Scientists Using MINITAB, R and JMP. Bhisham C. Gupta

Statistics and Probability with Applications for Engineers and Scientists Using MINITAB, R and JMP - Bhisham C. Gupta

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of the residual plots for the data in Table 18....Figure 18.6.1 Normal probability plot of ordered estimates of effects (Table 1...Figure 18.6.2 MINITAB printout of the normal probability plot of estimates of ...

      18 Chapter 19Figure 19.1.1 (a) The surface plot for the fitted model

. (b) The surface plo...Figure 19.1.2 (a) The contour plot for the fitted model
by setting
, 3.15, ...Figure 19.1.3 Illustrative contour plots provided by fitted second‐order model...Figure 19.2.1 The
factorial runs pictured at the vertices of the unit cube i...Figure 19.2.2 The
factorial design with center points in Example 19.2.5, wit...Figure 19.2.3 Contours of planar response.Figure 19.3.1 Geometry of a CCD that uses a
replication with
center points...Figure 19.3.2 Contour plots for the fitted response surface model (19.3.5).Figure 19.3.3 Response surface plots for the fitted response surface model (19...Figure 19.3.4 Contour plots for the fitted response surface of Example 19.3.2.Figure 19.3.5 Response surface plots for the fitted response surface of Exampl...Figure 19.3.6 Some second‐order designs.Figure 19.3.7 Central composite design with orthogonal blocking.Figure 19.3.8 Simplex design for fitting a first‐order model.Figure 19.3.9 Hexagon Design in two blocks for fitting a second‐order model.Figure 19.3.10 Contours of crystal purity as a function of temperature and rat...


      1  Cover

      2 Table of Contents

      3  Begin Reading


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