Electron Transfer. Shunichi Fukuzumi
Table of Contents
1 Cover
4 2 Marcus Theory of Electron Transfer
5 3 Photosynthetic Reaction Center Models
6 4 Electron Donor–Acceptor Dyads
7 5 Supramolecular Electron Transfer 5.1 Cation–Anion Binding 5.2 π‐Complexes 5.3 Electron‐Transfer Switching 5.4 Dendrimers 5.5 Supramolecular Solar Cells
8 6 Effects of Metal Ions on Photoinduced Electron Transfer
7 Photoredox Catalysis
7.1 Photocatalytic Oxygenation
7.2 Photocatalytic Oxibromination
7.3 Carbon
10 8 Hydrogen Storage 8.1 Interconversion Between Hydrogen and Formic Acid 8.2 Interconversion Between Hydrogen and NADH 8.3 Hydrogen Evolution from Alcohols 8.4 Hydrogen Evolution from Paraformaldehyde
11 9 Metal Ion‐Coupled Electron Transfer (MCET) 9.1 MCET of O2 9.2 Binding Modes of Metal Ions 9.3 Self‐Organized MCET 9.4 Accelerating and Decelerating Effects of Metal Ions 9.5 Driving Force Dependence of MCET Rate Constants 9.6 MCET Coupled with Hydrogen Bonding 9.7 MCET Catalysis 9.8 MCET of Metal‐Oxo Complexes 9.9 PCET of Metal‐Oxo Complexes 9.10 Unified Mechanism of MCET and PCET of Metal‐Oxo Complexes 9.11 MCET of Metal‐Peroxo Complexes
12 10 Catalytic Reduction of O2
13 11 Catalytic Oxidation of H2O
14 12 Production of Hydrogen Peroxide from Water and Oxygen as a Solar Fuel
15 13 Production and Usage of Hydrogen Peroxide as a Solar Fuel in Seawater
17 15 Conclusion and Perspective
18 References
19 Index
List of Illustrations
1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 Cofactors and structure of photosynthetic reaction center of purple...
2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 (a) Schematic diagram of photoinduced electron transfer of an elect...
3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 Driving force (−ΔG ET) dependence of intramolecular electron‐transfe...Figure 3.2 Edge‐to‐edge distance (R ee) dependence of optimal electron‐transfer...Scheme 3.1 Multistep photoinduced electron transfer in a ferrocene‐meso, meso‐...
4 Chapter 4Scheme 4.1 Formation of a long‐lived CS state of a zinc imidazoporphyrin–C60 d...Scheme 4.2 Formation of a long‐lived CS state of ZnPQ–AuPQ+ in nonpolar so...Figure 4.1 Structure of a closely linked ZnCh–C60 dyad. Scheme 4.3 Zinc porphyrin–quinone linked dyads (ZnP–n–Q; n = 3, 6, 10) with hy...Figure 4.2 (a) X‐ray crystal structure of Acr+–Mes. (b) HOMO and (c) LUMO ...Figure 4.3 Transient absorption spectra of Acr+–Mes (5.0 × 10−5 M) i...Figure