Industrial Environmental Management. Tapas K. Das
of the Facility
23 Appendix H: The Hannover Principles Reference
24 Appendix I: Environmental Goals and Business Goals Are Not Two Distinct Goal Sets
25 Appendix J: Sample Codes of Ethics and Guidelines J.1 National Society of Professional Engineers Reference
26 Index
List of Tables
1 Chapter 2Table 2.1 Summary table for selected environmental laws.
2 Chapter 3Table 3.1 Unpleasant odors in some industries.Table 3.2 Substances present in industrial effluents.Table 3.3 Comparative strengths of industrial wastewaters for conventional po...Table 3.4 Examples of industrial wastewater concentrations for nonconventiona...Table 3.5 General pollution of wet process for starch producing.Table 3.6 Potato processing wastes.Table 3.7 The gaseous composition of unpolluted air (dry basis).Table 3.8 Criteria air pollutants.Table 3.9 National ambient air quality standards for criteria pollutants.Table 3.10 Summary of National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutant...Table 3.11 Average fugitive emission factors from SOCMIa facilities – refiner...Table 3.12 Acrolein emissions estimated using average emission factors.
3 Chapter 4Table 4.1 Basic information on common elements.Table 4.2 Common radicals found in process water.Table 4.3 Basic information on common use of inorganic chemicals in process wate...Table 4.4 Laboratory analytical methods.Table 4.5 Composite sampling methods: advantages and disadvantages.Table 4.6 NPDES permit limits for a pulp and paper mill's wastewater treatment p...Table 4.7 U.S. emissions of conventional pollutants, 2006 and 2016 (million tons...Table 4.8 Coal‐fired power plant title V/PSD permit emission limits and related ...Table 4.9 List of 28 source categories with a 100 T/Y major source threshold.Table 4.10 Regression equations for dispersion coefficients.Table 4.11 USEPA methods for direct measurements of air emissions and the group ...Table 4.12 Classification of hazardous materials for shipping and packaging.
4 Chapter 5Table 5.1 United States safety, health, and environmental statutes that imply...Table 5.2 Selected physicochemical parameters and bioconcentration factors fo...Table 5.3 Standard parameters for calculation of dosage and intake determined...Table 5.4 Differences between human health and ecological risk assessments.Table 5.5 List of environmental vulnerability factors.Table 5.6 Outrage factors.Table 5.7 Atmospheric constituents.Table 5.8 RMP*Comp inputs.Table 5.9 Population estimates within endpoint circles.Table 5.10 TLVs of some common hazardous compounds.Table 5.11 Safety standards can help in selecting appropriate PPE.Table 5.12 Representative sound pressure levels.
5 Chapter 6Table 6.1 Commonly used life cycle impact categories.Table 6.2 Examples of checklist categories and potential inconsistencies.Table 6.3 LCA and LCI software tools.Table 6.4 Make‐up chemical, and energy, water, and land use per 1000 T oven d...Table 6.5 Summary of specific energy consumption in current pulp and papermak...Table 6.6 Effluent loads from the manufacture of forest products.Table 6.7 Emissions from chemical‐, mechanical‐, and bio‐pulping and papermak...Table 6.8 Environmental and human health impacts characterization results in ...Table 6.9 Select summary of acute and chronic toxic effects of residual chlor...Table 6.10 Summary of results of brief exposures of fish to residual chlorine...Table 6.11 Major parameters affecting the UV disinfection of wastewater.Table 6.12 Cost of generating power, and air quality and environmental impact...Table 6.13 Total system energy consumption.Table 6.14 Non‐feedstock energy consumption.Table 6.15 Technologies and their approximate control efficiencies.Table 6.16 NOx control technologies and effective emission levels.Table 6.17 NOx emissions, control effectiveness, economics, and environmental...Table 6.18 CO emissions, control effectiveness, economics, and environmental ...Table 6.19 Ranking of feasible control technologies by effectiveness.
6 Chapter 7Table 7.1 Progress towards SGP goals.Table 7.2 Pollution prevention technologies for surface finishers.Table 7.3 Potential cost savings.Table 7.4 Annualized income, costs, and earnings 2000 ADTPD mill, 14 lb metha...Table 7.5 Effluent discharges from pulp and paper mills.Table 7.6 Operating cost breakdown for a 265 gpm system resulting in a cost o...Table 7.7 Pollutant abatement expenditures by US manufacturing industries.Table 7.8 Summary of environmental costs at the Amoco Yorktown Refinery.Table 7.9 Summary of environmental costs at the DuPont LaPorte Chemical Manuf...Table 7.10 TAC and cost per ton of PM removals VS flow rate and boiler steam ...Table 7.11 Cost indices as annual averages.Table 7.12 Cost exponents for air pollution control equipment.Table 7.13 Availability and cost of potential feedstocks.
7 Chapter 8Table 8.1 Constants for the
8 Chapter 9Table 9.1 Return on investment calculations: electron beam–ammonia SO2 and NOTable 9.2 Comparison of the water withdrawal and water consumption factors (i...Table 9.3 Typical performance of advanced multi‐pollutant removal.Table 9.4 Properties of black liquor.Table 9.5 Black liquor gasification processes.Table 9.6 Difference between LTBLG and HTBLG.Table 9.7 Annual production of selected fuels.Table 9.8 Qualitative indication of relative environmental impact of differen...Table 9.9 Biorefinery estimates based on BLG studies, e.g. BLGCC and BLG for ...
9 Appendix ATable A.1 Conversion factors.
10 Appendix CTable C.1 Compilation of air pollutant emission factors: stationary point and ar...Table C.2 List of hazardous air pollutants.Table C.3 Values of the ideal gas law constant R [R = (PV/nT)].Table C.4 Selected properties of air.
11 Appendix ETable E.1 Highlight and brief explanation about industrial hygiene types and tec...
12 Appendix GTable G.1 Waste composition: detailed results.
13 Appendix HTable H.1 Factors for constructing variables control charts.Table H.2 Process sigma conversion table.
List of Illustrations
1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 Pollution prevention hierarchy.