Figure 2.6 Molar fraction of the species of the conjugated acid BH+ (
) ...Figure 2.7 Visualization of function
, which is the solution of the diffusi...Figure 2.8 A separation simulation generated from a program written in a Qui...Figure 2.9 The same hypothetical run as in Figure 2.8, but this time it is s...Figure 2.10 End of the hypothetical run of Figure 2.8. (A) The separation pa...Figure 2.11 Average charge (ensemble average or time average) of
-alanine, ...Figure 2.12 Average charge (ensemble average or time average) of 4-aminophen...Figure 2.13 Top view of the Poiseuille velocity profiles shown as level cont...Figure 2.14 Top view of the laminar fluid velocity profiles shown as level c...Figure 2.15 Top view of the fluid velocity profiles shown as level contours ...Figure 2.16 Fluid velocity profiles shown as level contours in Cartesian coo...Figure 2.17 Illustration of the electrical double layer at the capillary wal...Figure 2.18 EOF and Poiseuille velocity profiles for cylindrical microtubes ...Figure 2.19 Radial temperature profiles of a capillary that has 180
m OD, 5...Figure 2.20 Sample stacking illustrated with six snapshots. There are dozens...Figure 2.21 Nine snapshots illustrating an on-column band compression event....Figure 2.22 Variations of
given as a function of the number of residues (
Figure 2.23 Example of a DNA sequencing run (electropherogram) using the ELF...Figure 2.24 Mobilities of three hypothetical analytes divided by the maximum...Figure 2.25 Productory of (
in the 0 to 14 pH range. The higher the product...Figure 2.26 Harmonic mean of the modulus of all pairs of
in the 0 t...Figure 2.27 Isoelectric focusing of amino acids, peptides, or proteins using...Figure 2.28 Separation of naphthalene-2,3-dicarboxaldehyde derivatized amino...Figure 2.29 Example of a DNA sequencing run (electropherogram) using the SE ...
3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 Schematic illustration of the shape of the capillary platform, us...Figure 3.2 Schematic illustration of an array of capillaries mounted on a CE...Figure 3.3 Schematic illustration of the setup on a typical microchip platfo...Figure 3.4 Diagrammatic representation of the microfluidic operation procedu...Figure 3.5 The slab platform in the open layout, or open slab electrophoresi...Figure 3.6 Perspective view of a vertical cut of an electrophoresis chamber ...Figure 3.7 Two barely resolved hypothetical bands or peaks (1 and 2). Their ...Figure 3.8 First derivatives (A) and second derivatives (B) of two unresolve...Figure 3.9 Resolution of partially overlapped bands/peaks. The thin curves a...Figure 3.10 The effect of asymmetry on the calculation of resolution between...
4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 A) Photograph of the two ends of a 50
m ID and 365
m OD fused s...Figure 4.2 Illustration of the toroidal layout of the capillary platform usi...Figure 4.3 Illustration showing the same capillary toroid (T) of Figure 4.2,...Figure 4.4 Schematic view of the toroidal layout of the microchip platform s...Figure 4.5 Schematic view of the slab platform with a toroidal layout in the...Figure 4.6 Schematic view of the slab platform with a toroidal layout in the...Figure 4.7 Three examples of folding geometries: (A) toroid with a square cr...Figure 4.8 Schematic view of eight tori folded as ellipses. They are held in...Figure 4.9 Schematic view of the ideal geometry of a microhole etched onto t...
5 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 Schematic view of four high voltage modules connected to the four...Figure 6.2 Schematic view of the switching sequence that must be used when f...Figure 6.3 Schematic view of the positions that must be used to energize the...Figure 6.4 Illustration of the vertical cut of a rotating high voltage distr...Figure 6.5 Top view of the static base
of Figure 6.4. This figure shows th...
6 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 Histogram showing the thermal conductivity of fused silica (blue)...Figure 7.2 Histogram showing the thermal conductivity of fused silica (blue)...Figure 7.3 Air in thermostated compartments flows orthogonally to the axial ...Figure 7.4 The velocity profile of a liquid coolant inside a polymer tube wh...Figure 7.5 Example of a cooling geometry that produces an approximately cons...Figure 7.6 A symmetrical cooling geometry similar to Figure 7.5, but compose...Figure 7.7 Example of a symmetrical cooling geometry using seven capillaries...Figure 7.8 A symmetrical cooling geometry consisting of a square capillary i...Figure 7.9 (A) Illustration of a symmetrical cooling geometry consisting of ...Figure 7.10 A symmetrical cooling geometry using square capillaries. The blu...Figure 7.11 Microchip with an ideal cooling design. The coolant (blue) circu...Figure 7.12 The wall of an ideal slab electrophoresis chamber. The separatio...
7 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 Electropherogram of a mixture of adenosine, AMP (degraded), ADP, ...Figure 8.2 Absorption spectra of the products of the fluoregenic reaction of...Figure 8.3 Absorption spectra of the products of the fluorogenic reaction of...Figure 8.4 Absorption spectra of compounds (mostly amines) labeled with 7-hy...Figure 8.5 Analysis of free proline and hydroxyproline in canned beef. The s...
8 Chapter 9Figure 9.1 Separation of L-phenylalanine from L-phenylalanine-ring-D5 using ...Figure 9.2 Number of theoretical plates calculated from L-phenylalanine-ring...Figure 9.3 Separation of (
-hydroxybenzyl)methyltrimethylammonium and (2-hyd...