Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing. Zhuming Bi

Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing - Zhuming Bi

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href="#ulink_1f8dd028-fa82-51ad-8002-3a2b55d79692">Figure 1.7 Significant impact of design activities on overall product cost.

c01f008 c01f009

      1.3.3 Types of Design Activities

Type Description Example
Routine design To perform a design by following existing standards and codes that outline the steps and computations for certain products or systems. Follow the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Codes to design a pressure vessel.
Redesign To revise an existing design when FRs have been changed in a dynamic environment. Reprogram a robot when the tag points on the motion trajectory are changed.
Selection design To find a solution by selecting appropriate components from an existing design inventory. Select standardized fasteners to join two metal plates.
Parametric design To determine design variables in a given conceptual structure for an optimized performance. Minimize the materials usage of a cylindrical container subject to the given volume.
Integrated design To design and assemble components as an integrated product or system to meet strongly coupled FRs. Design a robotic configuration for a given task in a modular robot system.
New design To design a product or system from scratch to meet emerging FRs. Design a patentable product or system.

      Corresponding to the needs to involve computers, human–machine interaction, and human designers, a rougher classification based on the level of creativity and innovation may facilitate further discussion. To this end, the designs can be regrouped as:

      1 New design for a design from scratch to conceptual design, detailed design, and assembly design to the final product to meet specified design requirements.

      2 Incremental design for a design subjected to given product structures, change individual parts, and functions to meet additional requirements of products.

      3 Routine design for a design subjected to given functionalities, topological relations, layouts, and parametrize dimensions for the design of product families.

Level of creativity Routine design Incremental design New design
Solution space Structure Known Known Unknown
Search procedure Known Unknown Unknown
Design variables Types Fixed Fixed Changed
Ranges Fixed Changed Changed
Human designers Computers
Strengths Identifying
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