Global Navigation Satellite Systems, Inertial Navigation, and Integration. Mohinder S. Grewal

Global Navigation Satellite Systems, Inertial Navigation, and Integration - Mohinder S. Grewal

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is implemented by the GPS receiver, which gives the user an estimate of the current location (A) of the vehicle.

       Guidance is implemented as route planning, which finds a route (trajectory) from A to the intended destination B, using the connecting road system and applying user‐specified measures of route suitability (e.g. travel distance or total time).

       Control is implemented as a sequence of requested driver actions to follow the planned route.

      1.1.2 Navigation Modes

      From time immemorial, we have had to solve the problem of getting from A to B, and many solution methods have evolved. Solutions are commonly grouped into five basic navigation modes, listed here in their approximate chronological order of discovery:

       Pilotage essentially relies on recognizing your surroundings to know where you are (A) and how you are oriented relative to where you want to be (B). It is older than human kind.

       Celestial navigation uses relevant angles between local vertical and celestial objects (e.g. the Sun, planets, moons, stars) with known directions to estimate orientation, and possibly location on the surface of the Earth. Some birds have been using celestial navigation in some form for millions of years. Because the Earth and these celestial objects are moving with respect to one another, accurate celestial navigation requires some method for estimating time. By the early eighteenth century, it was recognized that estimating longitude with comparable accuracy to that of latitude (around half a degree at that time) would require clocks accurate to a few minutes over long sea voyages. The requisite clock technology was not developed until the middle of the eighteenth century, by John Harrison (1693–1776). The development of atomic clocks in the twentieth century would also play a major role in the development of satellite‐based navigation.

       Dead reckoning relies on knowing where you started from, plus some form of heading information and some estimate of speed and elapsed time to determine the distance traveled. Heading may be determined from celestial observations or by using a magnetic compass. Dead reckoning is generally implemented by plotting lines connecting successive locations on a chart, a practice at least as old as the works of Claudius Ptolemy (∼85–168 CE).

       Radio navigation relies on radio‐frequency sources with known locations, suitable receiver technologies, signal structure at the transmitter, and signal availability at the receiver. Radio navigation technology using land‐fixed transmitters has been evolving for about a century. Radio navigation technologies using satellites began soon after the first artificial satellite was launched.

       Inertial navigation is much like an automated form of dead reckoning. It relies on knowing your initial position, velocity, and attitude, and thereafter measuring and integrating your accelerations and attitude rates to maintain an estimate of velocity, position, and attitude. Because it is self‐contained and does not rely on external sources, it has the potential for secure and stealthy navigation in military applications. However, the sensor accuracy requirements for these applications can be extremely demanding [2]. Adequate sensor technologies were not developed until the middle of the twentieth century, and early systems tended to be rather expensive.

      These modes of navigation can be used in combination, as well. The subject of this book is a combination of the last two modes of navigation: global navigation satellite system (GNSS) as a form of radio navigation combined with inertial navigation. The key integration technology is Kalman filtering, which also played a major role in the development of both navigation modes.

      The pace of technological innovation in navigation has been accelerating for decades. Over the last few decades, navigation accuracies improved dramatically and user costs have fallen by orders of magnitude. As a consequence, the number of marketable applications has been growing phenomenally. From the standpoint of navigation technology, we are living in interesting times.

      Currently there are several GNSS in various stages of operation and development. This section provides a brief overview of these systems, where a more detailed discussion is given in Chapter 4.

      1.2.1 GPS

      The GPS is part of a satellite‐based navigation system developed by the US Department of Defense under its NAVSTAR satellite program [5–16]. GPS Orbits

      The fully populated GPS constellation includes 31 active satellites with additional operational spares, in six operational planes. The satellites are in circular orbits with four or more satellites in each orbital plane. The orbital planes are each inclined at an angle of 55° relative to the equator and are separated from each other by multiples of 60° right ascension. Each satellite is in a medium Earth orbit (MEO), is nongeostationary, and is approximately circular, with radii of 26 560 km, with orbital period of one‐half sidereal day (≈11.967 hours). Four or more GPS satellites will always be visible from any point on the Earth's surface, where the GPS satellites can be used to determine an observer's position, velocity, and time (PVT) anywhere on the Earth's surface 24 h/d. Legacy GPS Signals

      Compensating for ionosphere propagation delays. The time delay from when a navigation signal is transmitted, to when the signal is received, is used to eventually estimate the distance between the satellite and the user. This signal propagation delay is affected by the atmosphere. As the signals pass through the ionosphere, the delay chances with frequency. This is one motivation for use of two different carrier signals, L1 and L2. Because delay through the ionosphere varies approximately as the inverse square of signal frequency f (delay ∝ f−2), the measurable differential delay between the two carrier frequencies can be used to compensate for the delay in each carrier (see Ref. [16] for details).

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