Global Navigation Satellite Systems, Inertial Navigation, and Integration. Mohinder S. Grewal
8.1 WAAS top‐level view.Figure 8.2 European Global Navigation Overlay System architecture.Figure 8.3 Current and planned SBAS service areas.Figure 8.4 GCCS top‐level view. TLT: test loop translator; KPA: Klystron power...Figure 8.5 Primary GEO uplink subsystem type (GUST) control loop functional bl...Figure 8.6 Control loop test setup. AIX = IBM Advanced Interactive eXecutive P...Figure 8.7 Primary GUS clock steering.Figure 8.8 Backup GUS clock steering.Figure 8.9 Relationship between UDRE and GDOP.Figure 8.10 Local‐area augmentation system (LAAS). VDB: very high frequency da...
8 Chapter 9Figure 9.1 Test statistic plane for the six satellites in view.Figure 9.2 Integrity mitigation within an SBAS.
9 Chapter 10Figure 10.1 Top‐level date flow diagram of Kalman filter implementation.Figure 10.2 Linearization error analysis of pseudorange measurements.Figure 10.3 Sigma‐points for
, showing RMS unce...Figure 10.6 Pseudorange measurement geometry.10 Chapter 11Figure 11.1 Misalignment of INS navigation coordinates.Figure 11.2 Effects of INS position errors.Figure 11.3 INS navigation solution flowchart.Figure 11.4 Velocity leveling for terrestrial navigation.Figure 11.5 Growth of vertical channel errors over 10 hours.Figure 11.6 CEP plot from m‐file F10CEPrate.m.Figure 11.7 Schuler/Coriolis demonstration using seven‐state horizontal error ...Figure 11.8 PSDs of common sensor noise models.Figure 11.9 Estimated CEP rate versus gyro and accelerometer noise.Figure 11.10 CEP slope versus accelerometer compensation drift parameters, bas...
11 Chapter 12Figure 12.1 Loosely and tightly coupled implementations.Figure 12.2 Block structure of dynamic coefficient matrix.Figure 12.3 Dynamic conditions on 100‐km figure‐8 test track.Figure 12.4 GNSS navigation geometry.Figure 12.5 GNSS‐only navigation simulation results.Figure 12.6 INS‐only navigation simulation results.Figure 12.7 Integrated GNSS/INS navigation simulation results.
12 2Figure B.1 Earth‐centered inertial (ECI) coordinates.Figure B.2 Cartesian & polar coordinates.Figure B.3 Celestial coordinates.Figure B.4 Keplerian Parameters for Satellite OrbitFigure B.5 ECI and ECEF coordinates.Figure B.6 Geocentric, parametric, and geodetic latitudes in meridional plane.Figure B.7 ENU coordinates.Figure B.8 Alpha wander.Figure B.9 Roll–pitch–yaw axes.Figure B.10 Vehicle Euler angles.Figure B.11 Pseudorange.Figure B.12 Satellite coordinates.Figure B.13 Rotation from ENU to NED coordinates.Figure B.14 MATLAB® transformations of coordinate representations.Figure B.15 Rotating coordinates.
13 3Figure C.1 Ten different univariate PDFs with common means
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