Bioinformatics. Группа авторов

Bioinformatics - Группа авторов

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much more straightforward than the neighboring approaches described above. Hard links are applied between entries in different databases and exist wherever there is a logical connection between entries. For instance, if a PubMed entry describes the sequencing of a chromosomal region containing a gene of interest, a hard link is established between the PubMed entry and the corresponding nucleotide entry for that gene. If an open reading frame in that gene codes for a known protein, a hard link is established between the nucleotide entry and the protein entry. If the protein entry has an experimentally deduced structure, a hard link would be placed between the protein entry and the structural entry.

      The Entrez Discovery Pathway

Snapshot depicts the results of a text-based Entrez query against PubMed using Boolean operators and field delimiters in which the initial query is shown in the search box near the top of the window, with the three papers identified using this query following below.
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General syntax: search term [tag] Boolean operator search term [tag] ... where [tag] =
[ACCN] Accession
[AD] Affiliation
[ALL] All fields
[AU] Author nameLentz R [AU] yields all of Lentz RA, Lentz RB, etc."Lentz R" [AU] yields only Lentz R
[AUID] Unique author identifier, such as an ORCID ID
[ECNO] Enzyme Commission numbers
[EDAT] Entrez dateYYYY/MM/DD , YYYY/MM, or YYYY; insert a colon for date range, e.g. 2016:2018
[GENE] Gene name
[ISS] Issue of journal
[JOUR] Journal title, official abbreviation, or ISSN numberJournal of Biological ChemistryJ Biol Chem0021-9258
[LA] Language
[MAJR] MeSH major topicOne of the major topics discussed in the article
[MH] MeSH termsControlled vocabulary of biomedical terms (subject)
[ORGN] Organism
[PDAT] Publication dateYYYY/MM/DD , YYYY/MM, or YYYY; insert a colon for date range, e.g. 2016:2018
[PMID] PubMed ID
[PROT] Protein name (for sequence records)
[PT] Publication type, includes:ReviewClinical TrialLecturesLetterTechnical Report
[SH] MeSH subheadingUsed to modify MeSH Termsstenosis [MH] AND pharmacology [SH]
[SUBS] Substance nameName of chemical discussed in article
[SI] Secondary source IDNames of secondary source databanks and/or accession numbers of sequences discussed in article
[TITL] Title wordOnly words in the definition line (not available in Structure database)
[WORD] Text wordsAll words and numbers in the title and abstract, MeSH terms, subheadings, chemical substance names, personal name as subject, and MEDLINE secondary sources