Bioinformatics. Группа авторов

Bioinformatics - Группа авторов

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4.5 The genomic context of the human HIF1A gene, after displaying RefSeq Curated genes in full mode. Each RefSeq transcript is now drawn on a separate line, so that individual exons, as well as the direction of transcription, are visible. Compare this rendition with Figure 4.2, where all RefSeq transcripts are condensed on a single line.

Snapshot depicts the Get Genomic Sequence page that provides an interface for users to retrieve the sequence for a feature of interest.

      Histone proteins package DNA into chromosomes. Post-translational modifications of these histones can affect gene expression, as well as DNA replication and repair, by changing chromatin structure or recruiting histone modifiers (Lawrence et al. 2016). The post-translational modifications include methylation, phosphorylation, acetylation, ubiquitylation, and sumoylation. Histone H3 is primarily acetylated on lysine residues, methylated at arginine or lysine, or phosphorylated on serine or threonine. Histone H4 is primarily acetylated on lysine, methylated at arginine or lysine, or phosphorylated on serine.

      Histone modification (or “marking”) is identified by the name of the histone, the residue on which it is marked, and the type of mark. Thus, H3K27Ac is histone H3 that is acetylated on lysine 27, while H3K79me2 is histone H3 that is dimethylated on lysine 79. Different histone marks are associated with different types of chromatin structure. Some are more likely found near enhancers and others near promoters and, while some cause an increase of expression from nearby genes, others cause less. For example, H3K4me3 is associated with active promoters, and H3K27me3 is associated with developmentally controlled repressive chromatin states.

Snapshot depicts the genomic context of the human HIF1A gene, after changing the display of the H3K4Me3 peaks from hide to full in which the H3K4Me3 track is part of the ENCODE Regulation super-track. Below a graphic display window. Snapshot depicts the configuration of the track settings for the Common SNPs(150) track.
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