Secondary Metabolites of Medicinal Plants. Bharat Singh
of tautomeric structure of galactopyranoside derivative."/>
2.9.2 Culture Conditions
The establishment of Allium cell cultures has also been exploited for study of biosynthetic pathways of flavonoids compounds (Turnbull et al. 1981; Lancaster et al. 1988). By this study, maximum levels of β-sitosterol and lanosterol were obtained in six weeks old callus cultures of A. cepa (Chaturvedi et al. 2013). UV-B was used as an elicitor for enhancement of flavonol production in shallot tissue culture. Flavonoid accumulation tends to increase with prolonged exposure to UV-B but could not be generalized for the different growth stages. Quercetin was found to be the most abundant flavonol followed by myricetin and kaempferol in in vitro cultures and among plants grown in the greenhouse (Malab et al. 2017).
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