Power Electronics-Enabled Autonomous Power Systems. Qing-Chang Zhong
through ΣI.
Figure 21.2 Two systems with disturbances and external ports interconnected through ΣI.
Figure 21.3 Three‐phase grid‐connected converter with a local load.
Figure 21.4 The controller for a cybersync machine with e to be supplied as u.
Figure 21.5 The mathematical structure of the system constructed to facilitate the passivity analysis, where the plant pair ΣP consists of the original plant and its ghost in grey and the input to the ghost plant is the ghost of the input to the plant.
Figure 21.6 Blocks Σω and Σφ implemented with the IC.
Figure 21.7 A cybersync machine equipped with regulation and self‐synchronization.
Figure 21.8 Simulation results from a cybersync machine, where the detailed transients indicated by the arrows last for five cycles with the magnitude reduced by 50%.
Figure 21.9 Experimental results from a cybersync machine.
Figure 22.1 A photo of the SYNDEM smart grid research and educational kit.
Figure 22.2 SYNDEM smart grid research and educational kit: main power circuit.
Figure 22.3 Implementation of DC–DC converters.
Figure 22.4 Implementation of uncontrolled rectifiers.
Figure 22.5 Implementation of PWM‐controlled rectifiers.
Figure 22.6 Implementation of the θ‐converter.
Figure 22.7 Implementation of inverters.
Figure 22.8 Implementation of a DC–DC–AC converter.
Figure 22.9 Implementation of a single‐phase back‐to‐back converter.
Figure 22.10 Implementation of a three‐phase back‐to‐back converter.
Figure 22.11 Illustrative structure of the single‐node system.
Figure 22.12 Circuit of the single‐node system.
Figure 22.13 Experimental results from the single‐node system equipped with a SYNDEM smart grid research and educational kit.
Figure 22.14 Texas Tech SYNDEM microgrid built up with eight SYNDEM smart grid research and educational kits
Figure 23.1 Illinois Tech SYNDEM smart grid testbed.
Figure 23.2 Topology of a θ‐converter.
Figure 23.3 Topology of a Beijing converter.
Figure 23.4 Back‐to‐back converter formed by a Beijing converter and a conversion leg.
Figure 23.5 Back‐to‐back converter formed by a θ‐converter and a conversion leg.
Figure 23.6 Operation of the energy bridge to black start the SYNDEM grid.
Figure 23.7 Integration of the solar power node.
Figure 23.8 Integration of the wind power node.
Figure 23.9 Performance of the wind power node when the wind speed Sw changes.
Figure 23.10 Integration of the DC‐load node.
Figure 23.11 Integration of the AC‐load node.
Figure 23.12 Operation of the whole testbed.
Figure 24.1 The home field at the Texas Tech University Center at Junction, Texas.
Figure 24.2 The home grid.
Figure 24.3 Black‐start and grid‐forming capabilities.
Figure 24.4 From islanded to grid‐tied operation.
Figure 24.5 Seamless mode change when the public grid is lost and then recovered.
Figure 24.6 Power sharing and regulation of the voltage and frequency of the home grid.
Figure 24.7 The nonlinearity of the transformer.
Figure 24.8 The nonlinearity of household loads.
Figure 24.9 The large inrush current of the air conditioning unit.
Figure 25.1 Panhandle wind power system.
Figure 25.2 Connection of wind power generation system to grid.
Figure 25.3 VSM controller for each wind turbine.
Figure 25.4 Standard DQ controller for GSC.
Figure 25.5 Simulated panhandle wind farms.
Figure 25.6 Simulation results from a single unit.
Figure 25.7 The voltage, frequency, active power and reactive power at 345 kV buses.
Figure 25.8 Panhandle wind power system: the voltage, frequency, active power, and reactive power at the PCC of a single unit at the Wind Mill wind farm.
List of Tables
Table 1.1 Comparison of today's grid, smart grid, and next‐generation smart grid 9
Table 2.1 Machines that power the industrial revolutions.
Table 3.1 The electrical‐mechanical analogy based on the force–current analogy.
Table 4.1 Parameters of the synchronverter for simulations.
Table 4.2 Parameters of VSG.
Table 4.3 Parameters of VSG2.
Table 5.1 Parameters of the rectifier under simulation.
Table 6.1 Parameters of a PMSG wind turbine system.
Table 6.2 GSC control parameters.
Table 6.3 RSC control parameters.
Table 7.1 Comparison of different control strategies for AC VSDs.
Table 7.2 Parameters of the motor.
Table 8.1 Operation modes of a self‐synchronised synchronverter.
Table 8.2 Parameters used in simulations and experiments.
Table 8.3 Impact on the complexity of the overall controller and the demand for the computational capability.
Table 9.1 Parameters of the rectifier.
Table 9.2 Parameters for controlling the DC‐bus voltage.
Table 9.3 Parameters for controlling the the power.
Table 10.1 Comparison of different wind power generation systems.
Table 10.2 DFIG‐VSG parameters.
Table 10.3 Parameters of the experimental DFIG system.