Power Electronics-Enabled Autonomous Power Systems. Qing-Chang Zhong

Power Electronics-Enabled Autonomous Power Systems - Qing-Chang Zhong

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2017). They uncovered the internal clocks that synchronize cellular metabolism and organismal behavior to the light/dark cycle to generate biological rhythms with 24 h periodicity.

      Hence, adopting the synchronization mechanism of synchronous machines as the rule of law to govern SYNDEM smart grids is probably also the most natural option.

Schematic illustration of the consumption of estimated electricity in the United States.

      On the supply side, most DERs are connected to the grid through power electronic inverters. For example, wind turbines generate more electricity at variable speeds, which means the electricity generated is not compatible with the grid and power electronic converters are needed to control the generation and interaction with the grid. Solar panels generate DC electricity, which needs to be converted into AC electricity to make it compatible with the grid as well. Similarly, electric vehicles and energy storage systems also require power electronic converters to interact with the grid.

      In transmission and distribution networks, more and more power electronic converters, such as HVDC (high‐voltage DC) links (Arrillaga 2008) and FACTS (flexible AC transmission systems) devices (Hingorani and Gyugyi 1999), are being added to electronically, rather than mechanically, control future power systems (Hingorani 1988) in order to reduce power losses and improve controllability. The US Department of Energy is developing a roadmap to strategically adopt solid state power substations (SSPS) to provide enhanced capabilities and support the evolution of the grid (Taylor et al. 2017).

Schematic illustration of two-port virtual synchronous machine.

      It is worth highlighting that operating power electronic converters as VSMs should not stop at the stage of simply mimicking conventional SMs but should advance to transcend conventional SMs. Power electronic converters can respond much faster than conventional SMs and possess much better controllability, which makes it possible for a VSM to transcend conventional SMs. This will be described in detail in later chapters.

      2.4.1 Architecture of Electrical Systems

Schematic illustration of Synchronized and Democratized smart grid architecture based on the synchronization mechanism of synchronous machines (a) Electrical system. (b) Overall system architecture highlighting the relationship between the electrical system and the ICT system, where the dashed arrow indicates that it may not exist.
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