Introduction to Mechanical Vibrations. Ronald J. Anderson

Introduction to Mechanical Vibrations - Ronald J. Anderson

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      At this point in the majority of undergraduate Dynamics courses we would count the number of unknowns that we have in the three equations to see if there is sufficient information to solve the problem. We would find five unknowns


      This solution gives an instantaneous look at the system that really doesn't point out the value of the equations derived. Equations do not have five unknowns. They have two unknown constraint forces, images and images, and a group of variables (images, images, images) that are related by differentiation. Rather than counting five unknowns as we did earlier, we should say that there are three unknowns


      and three equations.

      We can combine the three equations to eliminate images and images and we will be left with a single differential equation containing images, images, and images. This nonlinear, ordinary differential equation is the equation of motion for the system. Given initial conditions for images and images, we can solve the equation of motion as a function of time and predict the angle, its derivatives, and the two normal forces at any time. The solution of nonlinear differential equations is not a trivial exercise but can be handled fairly easily using numerical techniques.

      The equation of motion for this system can be found by multiplying Equation 1.8 by images and adding the result to Equation 1.10 multiplied by images, giving

      Equation 1.9 is useful only for determining images during the motion. An expression for images can be found by multiplying Equation 1.8 by images and subtracting it from Equation 1.10 multiplied by images. As a result, we could solve the differential equation of motion (Equation 1.11) numerically and always have the ability to predict the two constraint forces. These forces provide useful design information that is difficult to get from the methods considered next.

      1.1.2 Informal Vector Approach using Newton's Laws

A two-dimensional representation of the bead on a wire, working out the kinematic expressions for three acceleration terms and the inset of a free body diagram.