Human Metabolism. Keith N. Frayn
...Figure 12.2 Typical plasma glucose and insulin responses to a carbohydrate load in Type 2 d...Figure 12.1.1 Redrawn from Felber, J. -P., Acheson, K. J., & Tappy, L. (1993) From Obesity to...Figure 12.3 The metabolic pattern in untreated Type 1 diabetes. Pathways accelerated by ins...Figure 12.4 Twenty-four-hour profiles of plasma glucose concentration in non-diabetic subje...Figure 12.5 Twenty-four-hour profiles of plasma non-esterified fatty acid (NEFA) concentrat...Figure 12.6 Plasma insulin concentrations in non-diabetic subjects and people with Type 1 d...Figure 12.7 Non-enzymatic glycation of proteins. A sugar molecule in its straight-chain, al...Figure 12.8 The polyol pathway for production and further metabolism of sorbitol. The enzym...
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