The Startup Owner's Manual. Steve Blank

The Startup Owner's Manual - Steve Blank

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daily orders it was getting and the 8,000 in the business-plan forecast. Before any meaningful customer feedback was in hand and only a month after shipping began, Webvan signed a $1 billion deal (yes, $1,000,000,000) with Bechtel to build 26 additional distribution centers over the next three years.

      6. Confusing Traditional Job Titles with What a Startup Needs to Accomplish

      Most startups have simply borrowed job titles from established companies. But remember, these are jobs in an organization that’s executing a known business model. The title Sales in an existing company reflects a team repeatedly selling a known product to a well-understood group of customers with standard presentations, prices, terms, and conditions. Startups by definition have few if any of these known elements. In fact, they’re out searching for them!

      Webvan’s CEO and VPs all came from large-company backgrounds and experience. They were surprised and uncomfortable with the chaos of a startup and tried to solve the problem by scaling the company rapidly.

      …measuring progress against a product launch or revenue plan is simply false progress.

      7. Sales and Marketing Execute to a Plan

      Hiring VPs and execs with the right titles but the wrong skills leads to further startup trouble as high-powered sales and marketing people arrive on the payroll to execute the “plan.” Here’s how it typically unfolds:

      Following the business plan and the traditional product introduction model, the board and founders agree to a launch date, a burn rate, a revenue plan and a set of milestones. The sales VP begins to hire the core sales team, design sales pitches, and make appointments and attempts to acquire early “lighthouse” customers (prominent customers who will attract others). At the same time, the sales team uses revenue goals specified in the business plan to track its progress in understanding customers. Meanwhile, the marketing VP is busy designing websites, logos, presentations, data sheets and collateral, and hiring pragencies to create buzz. These tactics become marketing objectives, even though they’re merely tactics. Marketing discovers whether its positioning, messaging, pricing and demand-creation activities will work only after first customer ship.

      Webvan set off on this kind of plan-driven “marketing death march.” In its first six months, it acquired an impressive 47,000 new customers, but 71 percent of its 2,000 daily orders were repeat orders, which meant Webvan needed to quickly secure many more new customers and reduce its high customer attrition rate. Making matters worse, Webvan had scaled its spending based on unverified and, it turned out, highly optimistic marketing guesses.

      8. Presumption of Success Leads to Premature Scaling

      The business plan, its revenue forecast, and the product introduction model assume that every step a startup takes proceeds flawlessly and smoothly to the next. The model leaves little room for error, learning, iteration or customer feedback. Nothing says, “Stop or slow down hiring until you understand customers,” or, “pause to process customer feedback.” Even the most experienced executives are pressured to hire and staff per the plan regardless of progress. This leads to the next startup disaster: premature scaling.

      In large companies, the mistakes just have additional zeros in them.

      In large companies, the mistakes just have additional zeros in them. Microsoft and Google, powerhouses though may they be, launch product after product—Google’s Orkut and Wave, Deskbar, Dodgeball, Talk and Finance; Microsoft’s “Kin,” Vista, Zune, “Bob,” WebTV, MSNTV, PocketPC—on rigid schedules driven by “the model” and the presumption of success. Shortly thereafter, a lack of customer response delivers a fast, quiet funeral for product and management alike.

      At Webvan, premature scaling permeated a company culture dominated by the prevailing venture-capital mantra of the time, “get big fast.” It spent $18 million to develop proprietary software and $40 million to set up its first automated warehouse before it had shipped a single item. Premature scaling had dire consequences, assuring that the Webvan case will be taught in business schools for decades to come. As customer demand failed to live up to Webvan’s business plan, the company slowly realized it had overbuilt and overdesigned. While Webvan had executed to its plan, it had also failed to pay attention to its customers.

      …no business plan survives first contact with customers.

      9. Management by Crisis Leads to a Death Spiral

      At Webvan, the consequences of all the mistakes began to show by the time of first customer ship. The story usually unfolds like this:

      Sales starts to miss its numbers and the board becomes concerned. The sales VP arrives at a board meeting, still optimistic, and provides a set of reasonable explanations. The board raises a collective eyebrow. The VP returns to the field to exhort the troops to work harder. Sales asks Engineering to build custom versions of the product for special customers, since this is the only way that the increasingly desperate sales force can close the sale. Board meetings become increasingly tense. Shortly thereafter, the sales VP is probably terminated as part of the “solution.”

      Sometimes all it takes is one or two iterations to find the right sales roadmap and positioning to attract exuberant customers. In tougher times, when dollars are tighter, the next round of funding may never come.

      But the problem at Webvan was not an incorrect sales strategy or positioning statement. The problem is that no business plan survives first contact with customers. The assumptions in the Webvan business plan were simply a series of untested hypotheses. When real results came in, they learned that the guesses in their revenue plan were wrong. Focusing on executing their business plans, Webvan iterated their strategy and their search for a business model by firing executives.


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