The Startup Owner's Manual. Steve Blank

The Startup Owner's Manual - Steve Blank

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fit is virtually identical to what’s sometimes called “product/market fit,” as the previous paragraph indicates. As a result, we use the terms somewhat interchangeably throughout the book. Do realize, however, that in multi-sided markets, there may be multiple value propositions and multiple customer segments. But problem/solution fit is only achieved when the revenue model, pricing, and customer acquisition efforts all match up with the customers’ needs.

      Develop the Product for the Few, Not the Many

      In existing companies, the goal of traditional product management and marketing is to develop a market-requirements document (MRD) for engineering that contains the sum of all possible customer feature requests, prioritized in a collaborative effort among Product Management, Marketing, Sales, and Engineering. Marketing or Product Management hosts focus groups, analyzes sales data from the field, and looks at customer feature requests and complaints. This information leads to the adding of requested features to the product specification, and the engineering team builds them into the next product release.

      While this process is rational for an established company entering an existing market, it’s folly for startups. Why? Startups aren’t small versions of large, existing companies where there’s plenty of customer knowledge and input. In established companies, the MRD process ensures that engineering will build a product that appeals to existing customers in a known market, where customers and their needs are known. On a startup’s first day, there’s limited—if any—customer input for creating a formal product specification.

      Earlyvangelists are willing to make a leap of faith and buy an early product.

      Earlyvangelists: The Most Important Customers of All

      Enthusiasts who spread the good news about your product to friends, family or co-workers are often called evangelists. But a new word is needed to describe the early adopters—the visionary customers—who buy unfinished and untested products, because they want to be “first,” whether it’s for the sake of gaining a competitive edge or winning bragging rights. We call these early adopters earlyvangelists. Unlike “mainstream” business or consumer-product customers who want to buy a finished, completed, tested product, earlyvangelists are willing to make a leap of faith and buy an early product from a startup. Every industry has a small subset of visionaries willing to take a leap of faith on an early product.

      One of the mistakes that startup founders make is to give away or heavily discount early alpha/beta products to blue-chip customers. In single-sided markets (where the user is the payer) earlyvangelists will be happy to pay for early access to the product. If they won’t, they aren’t earlyvangelists. Their willingness to pay is a critical part of the customer discovery process. You’ll use it to test the entire buying process.

In web/mobile apps, where multi-sided markets (separate users and payers) are often found, earlyvangelists can be users or payers. But even as nonpaying users, these earlyvangelists are willing or eager accelerators of your viral growth.

      Earlyvangelists are willing or eager accelerators of your viral growth.

       They have a problem or need.

       They understand they have a problem.

       They’re actively searching for a solution and have a timetable for finding it.

       The problem is so painful that they’ve cobbled together an interim solution.

       They’ve committed, or can quickly acquire, budget dollars to purchase.

      Think of earlyvangelists’ characteristics along a scale of customer pain. Earlyvangelist customers will be found only at the top of the scale—those who have already been looking for a solution, built a home-grown solution (whether in a company by building a software solution or at home by taping together a fork, a light bulb and a vacuum cleaner) and have or can acquire a budget. These people are perfect earlyvangelist candidates. They can be relied on for feedback and initial sales; they’ll tell others about the product and spread the word that the vision is real. Moreover, they can be potential advisory board candidates (more about advisory boards in Chapter 6).

      Build a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) First

      The idea that a startup builds its product for a small group of initial customers rather than devising a generic mainstream spec is radical. What follows is equally revolutionary.

      The goal of the MVP is to build the smallest possible feature set.

      On the day the company starts, there is very limited customer input. All the startup has is a vision of what the problem, product and solution seem to be. Unfortunately, it’s either a vision or a hallucination. The company doesn’t know who its initial customers are or what features they’ll want. One option is to start developing an entire full-featured first release of the product, with every feature the founders can think of. We now know this results in wasted engineering effort, time and cash, as customers don’t use, want or need most of the features developed without their input.

      The goal of customer discovery is to test your understanding of the customer’s problem and see if your proposed solution will prompt him to use or buy the product based on its most important features alone. Most users want finished products, but earlyvangelists are the perfect target for the MVP. Tailor the initial product release to satisfy their needs. If no one thinks your MVP solution is interesting or sufficient, iterate or pivot until an adequate number say “yes.”

      The shift in thinking to an incremental and iterative MVP as opposed to a fully featured first product release is important. Engineers tend to make a product bigger and more perfect. The MVP helps them focus the most important and indispensable features. Your goal in having an MVP is not to gather feature requests to change the product or to make the feature set larger. Instead, the goal is to put the MVP in front of customers to find out whether you understood the customer problem well enough to define key elements of the solution. Then you iteratively refine the solution. If, and only if, no customers can be found for the most important features of the MVP, bring customers’ additional feature requests to the product development team. In the Customer Development model, feature requests to an MVP are by exception and iteration rather than by rule. This eliminates the endless list of feature requests that often delay first customer ship and drive product development teams crazy.

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