Practical Sustainability Strategies. George P. Nassos

Practical Sustainability Strategies - George P. Nassos

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to face water scarcity by 2025. In the United States, a federal report [12] by the General Accounting Office shows that 40 of the 50 states are anticipating water shortages by 2023. In 2008, the state of Georgia tried, unsuccessfully, to move the state's border north in order to claim part of the Tennessee River.

Illustration depicting the distribution of earth's water; 97% of all the water on earth is saline. Of the remaining 3%, 68.7% is in the form of icecaps and glaciers, 30.1% is ground water, and 0.9% is in some other unavailable form, and 87% are lakes.

      The concern for this water shortage is partly due to the companies that require so much for their processes. It takes roughly 20 gal of water to make a pint of beer, about 130 gal of water to make a 2 l bottle of pop, and about 2000 gal of water to make a pair of Levi's stonewashed jeans. Why so much? For the pop, it includes the water used to grow the ingredients such as sugar cane. For the jeans, it includes the water used to grow, dye, and process the cotton.

      Companies are now calculating the “water footprint” in order to manage better the water consumption. This is not dissimilar to the carbon footprint that organizations and individuals have been calculating for some years. The water-footprint concept was first developed in 2002 by A.Y. Hoekstra at the University of Twente in the Netherlands [13]. Following the water-footprint concept, studies were conducted to calculate the embedded, or virtual, water required for a product, which was then added to what is consumed directly. Embedded water includes everything from raising beef in South America, growing oranges in Spain, or growing cotton in Asia. By calculating the embedded water, you would learn that a typical hamburger takes 630 gal of water to produce. Most of the water is used to grow the grain to feed the cattle. This represents more than three times the amount the average American uses every day for drinking, bathing, washing dishes, and flushing toilets.

Graph depicting Hubbert curve which suggests that the oil production rate increases as more reserves are discovered, and the rate peaks when half the estimated ultimately recoverable oil is produced.

      In 1988, the United Nations General Assembly created the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) with the task of reviewing and assessing the most recent scientific, technical, and socio-economic information produced worldwide relevant to the understanding of climate change. Further, it would provide the world with a clear scientific view on the then current state of climate change and its potential environmental and socio-economic consequences, notably the risk of climate change caused by human activity.

      At the next international meeting, which took place in Doha, Qatar, at the end of 2012, the developing countries once again demanded, as they did in Kyoto in 1997, for the rich countries to make a commitment to set real targets for reducing their GHG output. The rich nations then agreed to make some commitment toward a stronger legal agreement when they meet in Paris in 2015.

      The primary goals of the Paris Agreement were to hold the increase in the global average temperature to less than 2 °C from pre-industrial levels, but also achieve net zero GHG emissions beginning in 2050. Each country made a pledge to reduce carbon emissions commensurate with its rate of emissions along with its technical ability For instance, the United States committed to reducing emissions 26–28% below 2005 levels by 2025. To achieve these goals, the public and private sectors must act boldly and quickly to reduce the use of fossil fuels and increase renewables as quickly as possible. In addition, if the technology can be developed, sequestering more carbon from the atmosphere would really enhance the goals of the agreement.

      For the Paris Agreement to be successful, all of these countries, particularly the developed countries, must make the necessary investments in educating the masses, adopting renewable energy, reducing the use of fossil fuels, and developing carbon capture technology. But this will take a major financial commitment. For that reason, the next meeting of this Conference of Parties (COP22) took place in November 2016 in Marrakech, Morocco, to take action on the Paris Agreement including obtaining financial commitments from each of the countries and to establish plans for tracking progress by each country. This is all going in the right direction but none of these laws is binding.

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