Origin of Power Converters. Tsai-Fu Wu
6 adapts the layer scheme, which is a kind of technique used in growing new plants, to synthesize power converters. We identify the buck and boost families and their DNAs. Moreover, syntheses of new PWM converters have been presented in detail. Furthermore, different converter configurations with identical voltage transfer code are proved to be identical by just changing their capacitor DC offset voltages.
In Chapter 7, we present the syntheses of the well‐known PWM converters, such as voltage‐fed Z‐source, current‐fed Z‐source, quasi‐Z‐source, switched‐capacitor, and switched‐inductor converters. Additionally, the syntheses of PWM converters with the graft switch technique, the converter layer technique, and the fundamentals are also presented.
There are many multistage and multilevel power converters, such as single‐phase converters, three‐phase converters, flywheeling capacitor converters (FCC), Vienna rectifier, neutral‐point clamped converters (NPC), modular multilevel converters (MMC), etc. Systematical syntheses of the converters based on the discussed approaches is presented in Chapter 8. In general, resonant converters, which include quasi‐resonant, resonant, and multi‐resonant converters, are belonged to PWM converters with two half discontinuous operation modes. Their syntheses are also addressed in Chapter 8.
Based on the syntheses of hard‐switching PWM converters, the discussed approaches can be extended to the syntheses of soft‐switching ones, including near‐zero‐voltage switching, near‐zero‐current switching, zero‐voltage switching, and zero‐current switching PWM converters, which are presented in Chapter 9.
Chapter 10 presents the determination of switch‐/diode‐voltage stresses based on the voltage transfer code. This is an additional feature of the code configuration approaches.
Finally, discussions about topological and circuital dualities, identification of new PWM converters based on circuital duality, and analogy of PWM converters to DNA are presented in Chapter 11. A brief conclusion that hopefully no more trial and error is needed in developing power converters is addressed. Moreover, our mindsets in doing research over past 25 years are summarized in a free‐style poem and presented in the end of Part I.
1.6.2 Part II: Modeling and Applications
Part II includes Chapters 12–15. They first review conventional two‐port network theory and state‐space averaged (SSA) modeling approach, from which systematical modeling approaches based on the graft switch technique, the converter layer scheme, and some fundamental circuit theories are presented. Basically, they model the PWM converters out of the original converter in two‐port networks. Additionally, two application examples are presented to illustrate the discussed modeling approaches.
Chapter 12 first reviews the two‐port network theory and discusses the SSA modeling of PWM converters with the converter layer technique. It includes the modeling of the original converter, two typical feedback configurations, and possible extension to quasi‐resonant converters.
Chapter 13 presents modeling of PWM converters with the graft switch technique, which includes modeling of the buck family, buck, buck‐boost and Zeta converters, and boost family, boost, boost‐buck, and sepic converters; out of the basic converter units; and representations of small‐signal transfer characteristics in terms of two‐port network circuits.
Chapters 14 and 15 present two application examples based on the proposed modeling approaches. One is presenting design and modeling of an isolated single‐stage converter for power factor correction and fast regulation; the other is to develop another single‐stage converter for achieving high power factor and fast regulation with either peak current control or robust control. Simulated and experimental results have been presented to verify the feasibility of the proposed approaches.
Further Reading
1 Anderson, J. and Peng, F.Z. (2008a). Four quasi‐Z source inverters. Proceedings of the IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, pp. 2743–2749.
2 Anderson, J. and Peng, F.Z. (2008b). A class of quasi‐Z source inverters. Proceedings of the IEEE Industrial Application Meeting, pp. 1–7.
3 Axelrod, B., Borkovich, Y., and Ioinovici, A. (2008). Switched‐capacitor/switched‐inductor structures for getting transformerless hybrid dc‐dc PWM converters. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I 55 (2): 687–696.
4 Berkovich, Y., Shenkman, A., Ioinovici, A., and Axelrod, B. (2006). Algebraic representation of DC‐DC converters and symbolic method of their analysis. Proceedings of the IEEE Convention. Electrical and Electronics Engineers, pp. 47–51.
5 Berkovich, Y., Axelrod, B., Tapuchi, S., and Ioinovici, A. (2007). A family of four‐quadrant, PWM DC‐DC converters. Proceedings of the IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, pp. 1878–1883.
6 Bhat, A.K.S. and Tan, F.D. (1991). A unified approach to characterization of PWM and quasi‐PWM switching converters: topological constraints, classification, and synthesis. IEEE Trans. Power Electron. 6 (4): 719–726.
7 Bryant, B. and Kazimierczuk, M.K. (2002). Derivation of the buck‐boost PWM DC‐DC converter circuit topology. Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Circuits Syst. 5: 841–844.
8 Bryant, B. and Kazimierczuk, M.K. (2003). Derivation of the Ćuk PWM DC‐DC converter circuit topology. Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Circuits Syst. 3: 292–295.
9 Cao, D. and Peng, F.Z. (2009). A family of Z source and quasi‐Z source DC‐DC converters. Proceedings of the IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference, pp. 1097–1101.
10 Ćuk, S. (1979). General topological properties of switching structures. Proceedings of the IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, pp. 109–130.
11 Erickson, R.W. (1983). Synthesis of switched‐mode converters. Proceedings of the IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, pp. 9–22.
12 Freeland, S.D. (1992). Techniques for the practical applications of duality to power circuits. IEEE Trans. Power Electron. 7 (2): 374–384.
13 Hopkins, D.C. and Root, D.W. Jr. (1994). Synthesis of a new class of converters that utilize energy recirculation. Proceedings of the IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, pp. 1167–1172.
14 Khan, F.H., Tolbert, L.M., and Peng, F.Z. (2006). Deriving new topologies of DC‐DC converters featuring basic switching cells. Proceedings of the IEEE Workshops on Computers in Power Electronics, pp. 328–332.
15 Lee, F.C. (1989). High‐Frequency Resonant, Quasi‐Resonant and Multi‐Resonant Converters. Virginia Power Electronics Center.
16 Liu, K.‐H. and Lee, F.C. (1988). Topological constraints of basic PWM converters. Proceedings of the IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, pp. 164–172.
17 Makowski, M.S. (1993). On topological assumptions on PWM converters: a re‐examination. Proceedings of the IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, pp. 141–147.
18 Maksimovic, D. and Ćuk, S. (1989). General properties and synthesis of PWM DC‐to‐DC converters. Proceedings