Crystallography and Crystal Defects. Anthony Kelly
5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 The relationship between a set of orthonormal axes (Ox1, Ox2, Ox3Figure 5.2 The general tensorial relationship between an electrical field E ...Figure 5.3 Derivation of the magnitude of the conductivity in a particular d...Figure 5.4 The representation ellipsoid.Figure 5.5 The radius–normal property of a representation ellipsoid.
6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 (a) Definition of extension. (b) Definition of shearFigure 6.2 Distortion of a body in two dimensions. Points P and Q move to P′...Figure 6.3 Distortion in two dimensions of a rectangular element at P. Two s...Figure 6.4 Imposition of a rigid body rotation ω to enable a relative d...Figure 6.5 The geometrical interpretation of Eq. (6.9) for e12 and e21Figure 6.6 Distortion of a unit cube whose edges are parallel to the princip...Figure 6.7 The force f acting on a small area δA in a plane surrounding...Figure 6.8 Definition of stress components (a) in Cartesian coordinates and ...Figure 6.9 Calculation of the stress acting on the plane ABCFigure 6.10 Stresses acting on one face of a cube of side 2δ in a varyi...Figure 6.11 A shear stress at the point PFigure 6.12 If σ3 is the largest principal stress and σ1 is the smallest, th...Figure 6.13 Orthonormal ‘old’ and ‘new’ sets of axes related to one another ...Figure 6.14 Orthonormal ‘old’ and ‘new’ sets of axes related to one another ...Figure 6.15 Orthonormal ‘old’ and ‘new’ sets of axes related to one another ...
7 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 Illustration of the process of glide. Blocks 1, 2 and 3 in a crys...Figure 7.2 Schematic diagram of glide occurring in the direction β in a...Figure 7.3 Schematic diagram of the fine structure observed in slip lines in...Figure 7.4 Macroscopic measurement of the amount of glide in a crystalFigure 7.5 Illustration of the inherent centrosymmetric nature of the simple...Figure 7.6 Pencil glide, also known as wavy glide. Here, the slip direction Figure 7.7 Illustration of simple shear in two dimensions: (a) before shear ...Figure 7.8 Simple shear in three dimensions. Here, a point P relative to O m...Figure 7.9 A small simple shear deformation eij is equivalent to a pure stra...Figure 7.10 The strains produced by the physically different slip systems [
8 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 A screw dislocation in a primitive cubic latticeFigure 8.2 Primitive cubic lattice after the screw dislocation in Figure 8.1...Figure 8.3 An edge dislocation in a primitive cubic latticeFigure 8.4 A mixed dislocation, DD′, in a primitive cubic latticeFigure 8.5 Atom positions around an edge dislocation in a simple cubic cryst...Figure 8.6 Schematics of a screw dislocation in a simple cubic crystal (a) l...Figure 8.7 A Burgers circuit around an edge dislocation in a simple cubic cr...Figure 8.8 Schematic of a closed dislocation loop in a simple cubic crystal...Figure 8.9 The motion of a dislocation DD' in the direction represented ...Figure 8.10 The dislocation loop shown in (a) can glide so that its area pro...Figure 8.11 (a) Production of a prismatic dislocation loop by punching. (b) ...Figure 8.12 An edge dislocation in a region of general stress σ showing...Figure 8.13 Strain due to a screw dislocation lying along the z‐axisFigure 8.14 Stress due to a screw dislocation along the z‐axis acting on a s...Figure 8.15 The relationship between the x1‐ and x2‐axes, r and θ for a...Figure 8.16 Schematic of a screw dislocation in a simple cubic crystal looki...Figure 8.17 Plot of Eq. (8.28)Figure 8.18 A screw dislocation of twice the width of the one shown in Figur...Figure 8.19 Dislocation multiplicationFigure 8.20 Force between parallel edge dislocations on slip planes a distan...Figure 8.21 Orthogonal screw dislocations, a perpendicular distance d apart...Figure 8.22 A jog QR on a dislocation PQRS where PQ and RS have screw disloc...
9 Chapter 9Figure 9.1 An edge dislocation formed by making a cut in a cylinder and then...Figure 9.2 A dislocation reaction in which two dislocations combine to form ...Figure 9.3 Forces on a small segment of a dislocation loop in equilibriumFigure 9.4 A dislocation line being extruded between obstacles a distance l ...Figure 9.5 Forces acting on a small curved segment of a dislocation when acc...Figure 9.6 A perfect dislocation on a (111) plane of a c.c.p. metal which ha...Figure 9.7 (a) Faulted vacancy loop in a c.c.p. metal, showing traces of the...Figure 9.8 Thompson's tetrahedron. (After Thompson [15]).Figure 9.9 The vector relationship between the Burgers vectors of a Shockley...Figure 9.10 The dissociation of a perfect dislocation CB into two partial di...Figure 9.11 Reaction of two dislocations on a common slip plane. The disloca...Figure 9.12 Same reaction as Figure 9.11 but showing splitting into partials...Figure 9.13 Lomer–Cottrell lockFigure 9.14 Formation of a stacking fault tetrahedron from a Frank vacancy l...Figure 9.15 Hirth lockFigure 9.16 Relation between slip planes and directions in {110}
10 Chapter 10Figure 10.1 Crystal surface acting as a vacancy source. In (a) an atom jumps...Figure 10.2 {100} plane of NaCl, showing the sense of the displacements of t...Figure 10.3 Hypothetical split interstitial in a c.c.p. metal. The plane of ...Figure 10.4 Hypothetical split interstitial in a b.c.c. metal. The plane of ...Figure 10.5 Crowdion in an alkali metal, as postulated by Paneth [23]. The l...Figure 10.6 H‐centre in a KCl crystal. The plane of the diagram is (001). (N...Figure 10.7 Path followed by an atom jumping into a vacant nearest‐neighbour...Figure 10.8 Path followed by an atom jumping into a vacant nearest‐neighbour...Figure 10.9 Effects of changes in length and lattice parameter with temperat...Figure 10.10 Schematic conductivity plot for a NaCl crystal containing a sma...Figure 10.11 Effect of CdBr2 additions on the electrical conductivity of AgB...Figure 10.12 Annealing out of the quenched‐in resistivity ρ of a metal ...Figure 10.13 Isochronal recovery of electron‐irradiated copper containing an...Figure 10.14 Interstitial sites occupied by C or N atoms in ferrite, α‐Fe. T...Figure 10.15 Effect of relaxation on the strain caused by a constant stress Figure 10.16 Hypothetical tetravacancy in a c.c.p. metal. The dotted lines s...
11 Chapter 11Figure 11.1 Structure of a twin in a c.c.p. metal. The plane S in (a) is the...Figure 11.2 Formation of a twin in a c.c.p. metal by shear. The dotted lines...Figure 11.3 Displacements produced by a twin lamella. The traces PQ and QR d...Figure 11.4 The elements of deformation twinning. O is an origin, K1 is the ...Figure 11.5 (a) Type I twin. (b) Type II twin. In (a) the lattice vector l3 ...Figure 11.6 Twin in a b.c.c. metal. The scheme of the figure is the same as ...Figure 11.7 Twin in sphaleriteFigure 11.8 Twin in calcite. The scheme of the figure is the same as that of...Figure 11.9 The (10