Bulleit Proof. Tom Bulleit

Bulleit Proof - Tom Bulleit

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      Copyright © 2020 by Thomas E. Bulleit, Jr. All rights reserved.

      Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.

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       To Betsy Bulleit, since this was her idea

       “It was never just a question of escape.

       It was also a question of transformation.”

       Michael Chabon

       The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay

      “The city gave its name to the power of patience—Romanita. Romanita excludes emotion, hurry, doubt. Romanita waits, sees the moment and moves ruthlessly when the time is right. Romanita rests on an absolute conviction of ultimate success and arises from a single principle, Cunctando regitur mundus: waiting, one conquers all.”

       Mary Doria Russell

       The Sparrow

       “How much more of life we live than we remember.”

       John Le Carré

       The Secret Pilgrim


      1  Cover

      2  Be Proactive: (Problems Do Not Resolve Themselves) 1: One Sip

      3  Presume Nothing: (“No, This Gun Isn't Loaded”) 2: The Promise

      4  Be Prepared: (Embrace the Wisdom of the Boy Scouts) 3: War

      5  If It Doesn't Seem Right, It Probably Isn't: (Trust Your Gut) 4: The Start-Up

      6  20/40/60: (At 20, You Worry Yourself Sick About What People Think of You. At 40, You Say, “The Hell with ’Em.” At 60, You Realize They Were Not Thinking About You.) 5: My Old Soldier

      7  Go All In: (Without Commitment and Passion—Which Are Infectious—It Won't Happen) 6: Family Business

      8  Be Afraid: (Today May Be the Day It All Turns to Shit) 7: Steambath

      9  No battle was ever won by spectators.”: —John Le Carré 8: Maniacal Patience

      10  Be Result Oriented: (Nothing Was Built by Performing Tasks) 9: The New Frontier

      11  Find Humility Before It Finds You: (Life Is Coming to Get Us All) 10: The 12 Apostles

      12  Plan Ahead: (If You're in the Far‐Left Lane and You Need to Exit Right in 500 Feet, You May Arrive in the Afterlife Instead of Altoona) Скачать книгу