Inseminations. Juhani Pallasmaa

Inseminations - Juhani  Pallasmaa

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Karl von Frisch, Animal Architecture, New York and London: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1979.

      11 11 Michael H Hansell, Animal Architecture and Building Behaviour, London: Longman, 1971; Id., Animal Construction Company, Glasgow: Hunterian Museum and Art Gallery, 1999.

      12 12 Gaston Bachelard, The Poetics of Space, Boston, MA: Beacon Press, 1964.

      13 13 Paré Ambroise, Le livre des animaux et de l'intelligence de l'homme. Oeuvres complètes,Vol. III, Paris: Editions JF Malgaigne, 1840, 74.

      14 14 Bach, Klaus et al. under the direction of Helnske, JG and Otto Frei, Nets in Nature and Technics, Institute for Lightweight Structures, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, 1975; Bach, Klaus et al. under the direction of Schaur, Eda et. al., Pneus in Nature and Technics, Institute for Lightweight Structures, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, 1976; under the direction of Otto Frei, Lightweight Structures in Architecture and Nature, Institute for Lightweight Structures, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, 1983.

      15 15 Sverre Fehn, personal communication, 1985.

      16 16 ‘Does even more than a spider can: how to make something useful of spider silk’, in The Economist, January 31, 2009, 81.

      17 17 Edward O Wilson, Biophilia: The human bond with other species. Cambridge, MA, and London: Harvard University Press, 1984, 37.

      18 18 Maurice Merleau‐Ponty as quoted in Iain McGilchrist, Master and His Emissary: The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World, New Haven: Yale University Press, 2009, 409.

      19 19 Balthus, Balthus in His Own Words, New York: Assouline, 2001, 6.

      20 20 Interview for Finnish Television, July 1972, in Göran Schildt, editor, Alvar Aalto in His Own Words, Helsinki: Otava Publishing Company, 1997, 273–274.

      21 21 Karsten Harries, ‘Thoughts on a Non‐Arbitrary Architecture’, in David Seamon, editor, Dwelling, Seeing and Designing: Toward a Phenomenological Ecology, Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1993, 47.

      22 22 Karsten Harries, ‘Building and the Terror of Time’, in Perspecta: The Yale Architectural Journal, issue 19. Cambridge, MA, and London: The MIT Press, 1982, as quoted in David Harvey, The Condition of Postmodernity, Cambridge: Blackwell, 1992, 206.

      23 23 Bachelard, The Poetics of Space, op. cit., 46.

      24 24 Jonah Lehrer, Proust Was a Neuroscientist, New York: Houghton Mifflin, 2008.

      25 25 Richard Neutra, Survival Through Design, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1954, 18.

      26 26 Ibid., 7.

      27 27 Alvar Aalto, ‘The Trout and the Stream’, in Göran Schildt, editor, Alvar Aalto In His Own Words, Helsinki: Otava Publishing Company Ltd., 108.

      28 28 Fred Gage, as summarized by John Paul Eberhard, ‘Architecture and Neuroscience: A Double Helix' in Sarah Robinson, Juhani Pallasmaa, editors, Mind in Architecture: Neuroscience, Embodiment, and the Future of Design, Cambridge, MA, and London: The MIT Press, 2015, 135.

      29 29 Alvar Aalto, ‘Art and Technology', in Alvar Aalto in His Own Words, op. cit., 176.

      30 30 Ibid., 178.

      31 31 Alvar Aalto, ‘Rationalism and Man’, in Göran Schildt, editor, Alvar Aalto Sketches, Cambridge, MA, and London: The MIT Press, 1985, 49.

      32 32 John Dewey, Art as Experience, New York: Putnam's, 1934, 4.

      33 33 Ivi.

      34 34 Vitruvius (Marcus Vitruvius Pollio), The Ten Books on Architecture (De Architectura Libri Decem), New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1960, 5–6.

      35 35 Ibid., 8.

      36 36 Sverre Fehn in a private conversation with the author in the Villa Mairea, 1985.

      37 37 Aalto, ‘Art and Technology’, op. cit., 174.

      38 38 Letter of George Nelson to the writer 31August 1982.

      39 39 José Ortega y Gasset, The Dehumanization of Art and Other Essays on Art, Culture, and Literature, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2013.

      40 40 I learned the quote of Alberto Giacometti from a student in my workshop in Ljubljana in 2015. Original source unknown.

      41 41 Richard Dawkins, ‘Bar Codes in the Stars’, Olafur Eliasson: Your Lighthouse: Works with Light 1991–2004, Holger Broecher, editor, Wolfsburg: Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg / Hatje Cantz Verlag, 2004, 13.

      42 42 Harries, op. cit., 206.

      43 43 Gaston Bachelard, Water and Dreams: An Essay on the Imagination of Matter, Dallas, TX: The Pegasus Foundation, 1983, 46.

      44 44 Gaston Bachelard, The Philosophy of No: A philosophy of the New Scientific Mind, New York: The Orion Press, 1968.

      45 45 Ibid., 16.

      46 46 Interview in Time, 1990. Source not identified in detail.

      47 47 Rudolf Wittkower, Architectural Principles in the Age of Humanism, London: Academy Editions, 1988, 117.

      48 48 Ibid., 39.

      49 49 Vittorio Gallese and Cinzia Di Dio, ‘Neuroesthetics: The Body in Esthetic Experience’, in The Encyclopedia of human Behaviour, Vol. 2, VS Ramachandran, editor, Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2012, 693.

      50 50 Giorgio Morandi, quote from:

      51 51 Alberto Giacometti, quote from:

      52 52 Semir Zeki, Inner Vision: An Exploration of Art and the Brain, Oxford: Oxford University Press,1999, 22–36.

      53 53 Ibid., 2.

      54 54 JH van den Berg as quoted in Bachelard, op. cit., xxiv.

      55 55 Ivi, xxi, 107.

      56 56 Jonah Lehrer, Proust Was a Neuroscientist, New York: Houghton Mifflin, 2008.

      57 57 Harry Francis Mallgrave, The Architect's Brain: Neuroscience, Creativity, and Architecture, Chichester:Wiley‐Blackwell, 2010, and Id., Architecture and Embodiment: The Implications of the New Sciencesand Humanities for Design, Abingdon, UK: Routledge, 2013.

      58 58 Zeki, op. cit., 1.

      59 59 Joseph Brodsky, ‘An Immodest Proposal’, in Id., On Grief and Reason, New York: Farrar,Straus and Giroux, 1997, 208.

      60 60 See Juhani Pallasmaa, editor, Eläinten arkkitehtuuri – Animal Architecture, Helsinki: Museum of FinnishArchitecture, 1995.

      61 61 Wilson, op. cit., 37.

      62 62 Zeki, op. cit., 1.

      63 63 Richard Dawkins, The Extended Phenotype, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1982.

      64 64 Peter Zumthor, Atmospheres: Architectural Environments – Surrounding Objects, Boston, Berlin, Basel: Birkhäuser, 2006, 13.

      65 65 John Dewey, Art as Experience, New York: Perigee Trade, 2005, 145.

      66 66 Tony Hiss, The Experience of Place: A New Way of Looking at and Dealing with Our Radically Changing Cities and Countryside, New York: Random House, Inc., 1991.

      67 67 Maurice Merleau‐Ponty, ‘The Film and the New Psychology’, in Id., Sense and Non‐Sense, Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 1964, 48.

      68 68 Dewey, Art as Experience, op. cit., 37.

      69 69 John Dewey, ‘Qualitative Thought’, in Larry A. Hickman, Thomas M. Alexander, editors, The Essential Dewey, Volume 1: Pragmatism, Education, Democracy, Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1998, 197.

      70 70 Martin Heidegger, ‘Building, Dwelling, Thinking’, in Id., Basic Writings, New York: Harper & Row, 1997, 334.

      71 71 Robert Pogue Harrison, Gardens: An Essay on the Human Condition, Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 2008, 130.

      72 72 Dewey, ‘Qualitative

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