Mathematics for Enzyme Reaction Kinetics and Reactor Performance. F. Xavier Malcata

Mathematics for Enzyme Reaction Kinetics and Reactor Performance - F. Xavier Malcata

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(monotonically) increasing function satisfies
, whereas a function is called (monotonically) decreasing otherwise, i.e. when
; however, a function may change monotony along its defining range.

      If yf{x}, then an inverse function f−1{y} may in principle be defined such that f−1{f{x}} = x – i.e. composition of a function with its inverse retrieves the original argument of the former. The plot of f−1{y} develops around the x‐axis in exactly the same way the plot of f{x} develops around the y‐axis; in other words, the curve representing f{x} is to be rotated by π rad around the bisector straight line so as to produce the curve describing f−1{y}.

      Of the several functions worthy of mention for their practical relevance, one may start with absolute value, |x| – defined as

      It is easily proven that


      or else

      in general terms, one concludes that

      to readily obtain



      that complements Eq. (2.9).


      The exponential function converts a sum into a product, i.e.

      based on the rule of multiplication of powers with the same base; one also realizes that



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