Mathematics for Enzyme Reaction Kinetics and Reactor Performance. F. Xavier Malcata

Mathematics for Enzyme Reaction Kinetics and Reactor Performance - F. Xavier Malcata

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expansion; one eventually obtains


      upon straightforward algebraic simplification. If ξ = r1 is a root of Pn {x}, then



      – so xr1 may be factored out to produce

      which may be reformulated to


      – obtained after applying Newton’s binomial formula (to be derived shortly) in expansion of all powers of xr1, and then lumping terms associated with the same power of x so as to produce coefficients bj; one may again proceed to Taylor’s expansion of Pn−1{x} as


      or, equivalently,


      where cancelation of (n − 1)! between numerator and denominator of the last term unfolds

      If one sets ξ equal to a root r2 of Pn−1{x}, abiding to


      as long as


      The above process may be iterated as many times as the number of roots – knowing that an nth‐degree polynomial holds n roots, i.e. r1, r2, …, rn (even though some of them may coincide); the final polynomial will accordingly look like


      – in line with Eqs. (2.165) and (2.175), and consequently