Whole-Angle MEMS Gyroscopes. Doruk Senkal
Table of Contents
1 Cover
3 Preface
5 Part I: Fundamentals of Whole‐Angle Gyroscopes 1 Introduction 1.1 Types of Coriolis Vibratory Gyroscopes 1.2 Generalized CVG Errors 1.3 Overview 2 Dynamics 2.1 Introduction to Whole‐Angle Gyroscopes 2.2 Foucault Pendulum Analogy 2.3 Canonical Variables 2.4 Effect of Structural Imperfections 2.5 Challenges of Whole‐Angle Gyroscopes 3 Control Strategies 3.1 Quadrature and Coriolis Duality 3.2 Rate Gyroscope Mechanization 3.3 Whole‐Angle Mechanization 3.4 Conclusions
6 Part II: 2‐D Micro‐Machined Whole‐Angle Gyroscope Architectures 4 Overview of 2‐D Micro‐Machined Whole‐Angle Gyroscopes 4.1 2‐D Micro‐Machined Whole‐Angle Gyroscope Architectures 4.2 2‐D Micro‐Machining Processes 5 Example 2‐D Micro‐Machined Whole‐Angle Gyroscopes 5.1 A Distributed Mass MEMS Gyroscope – Toroidal Ring Gyroscope 5.2 A Lumped Mass MEMS Gyroscope – Dual Foucault Pendulum Gyroscope
7 Part III: 3‐D Micro‐Machined Whole‐Angle Gyroscope Architectures 6 Overview of 3‐D Shell Implementations 6.1 Macro‐scale Hemispherical Resonator Gyroscopes 6.2 3‐D Micro‐Shell Fabrication Processes 6.3 Transduction of 3‐D Micro‐Shell Resonators 7 Design and Fabrication of Micro‐glassblown Wineglass Resonators 7.1 Design of Micro‐Glassblown Wineglass Resonators 7.2 An Example Fabrication Process for Micro‐glassblown Wineglass Resonators 7.3 Characterization of Micro‐Glassblown Shells 8 Transduction of Micro‐Glassblown Wineglass Resonators 8.1 Assembled Electrodes 8.2 In‐plane Electrodes 8.3 Fabrication 8.4 Experimental Characterization 8.5 Out‐of‐plane Electrodes 8.6 Design 8.7 Fabrication 8.8 Experimental Characterization 9 Conclusions and Future Trends 9.1 Mechanical Trimming of Structural Imperfections 9.2 Self‐calibration 9.3 Integration and Packaging
9 Index
10 IEEE Press Series on Sensors
List of Tables
1 List of AbbreviationsTable 1 Control system abbreviations.Table 2 Mechanical parameters of the resonator.
2 Chapter 5Table 5.1 Summary of design parameters.Table 5.2 As‐fabricated frequency symmetry of four devices.Table 5.3 Summary of design parameters.
3 Chapter 7Table 7.1 Comparison of wineglass dimensions obtained from analytical solutio...Table 7.2 Anchor loss analysis shows a large change in
for different stem di...Table 7.3 Sample design parameters for micro‐glassblown mushroom structure.Table 7.4 Sample design parameters for micro‐glassblown hemisphere.4 Chapter 8Table 8.1 Table summarizing frequency splits and center frequency of five dif...Table 8.2 Summary of device parameters for a 7 mm fused silica wineglass reso...
List of Illustrations
1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 Coriolis Vibratory Gyroscopes, in their simplest form, consist of...Figure 1.2 Micro‐rate integrating gyroscope (MRIG) architectures.Figure 1.3 Sample Allan variance analysis of gyroscope output, showing error...