Whole-Angle MEMS Gyroscopes. Doruk Senkal
versus DC bias, showing that the frequency split...Figure 8.16 Frequency sweeps of mode of four additional wineglass resonato...Figure 8.17 Micro‐glassblowing process can create arrays of inverted‐winegla...Figure 8.18 Out‐of‐plane electrode architecture consists of a micro‐glassblo...Figure 8.19 Out‐of‐plane transduction scheme utilizes out‐of‐plane component...Figure 8.20 Electrode configuration: four electrodes are designated as force...Figure 8.21 Out‐of‐plane to in‐plane displacement ratio for mushroom‐shaped ...Figure 8.22 A packaged one million ‐factor fused silica wineglass structure...Figure 8.23 Wafer‐level fabrication process for fused silica micro‐wineglass...Figure 8.24 Uniform 10 μm capacitive gaps have been demonstrated on 7 mm she...Figure 8.25 Frequency sweep revealed a ‐factor of 1.14 million and as fabri...Figure 8.26 Ring‐down experiment at shows , giving 1.05 million ‐factor ...Figure 8.27 ‐factor versus pressure level experiment. ‐factors above 1 mil...
9 Chapter 9Figure 9.1 Fabrication process consists of (a) bonding of pre‐etched cap and...
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