Handbook of Microwave Component Measurements. Joel P. Dunsmore
rel="nofollow" href="#ud98b9db0-e5e4-5d5b-a4d0-f36adcf9a8a6">Chapter 9 collects the topics of noise figure measurements for both amplifiers and frequency converters into a single chapter. New material on noise parameter measurements is included, as well as a new section on measuring the noise figure of an active antenna. Further, there is a detailed discussion on a new method for noise‐figure verification.
Chapter 10 now contains all the information on differential measurements. New material on measuring the differential harmonics of differential amplifiers has been added, as well as making IMD measurements without using baluns. A new technique is shown for determining the phase skew of a differential amplifier.
Chapter 11 contains the material on advanced techniques for fixturing and creating calibration kits, with various other topics (previously Chapter 9). This contains new material on the one‐port (open only) automatic fixture removal (AFR) method.
Several of these new capabilities are introduced that dramatically change the way components may be tested. These include the integration of full spectrum analysis capabilities in a VNA, and the ability to synchronously control the frequency, power, and phase of multiple sources while measuring at multiple different frequencies. These capabilities are generally implemented in the form a purpose‐built application function. While details of how these functions operate can vary between instrument manufacturers (and frankly, between different versions of firmware from a single manufacturer), the key concepts are explained to allow the reader to fully understand the benefits of these new methods.
I would like to thank my colleagues from Keysight Technologies for their assistance in reviewing this material and for their help in developing the new material. As always, any mistakes are mine alone.
Joel P. Dunsmore
Sebastopol, CA
July 2019
Preface to the First Edition
This book is a bit of mixture between basic and advanced, and between theoretical and practical. Unfortunately, the dividing lines are not particularly clear and depend considerably upon the training and experience of the reader. While primarily a text about measurements techniques, there is considerable information about device attributes that will be useful to both a designer and a test engineer, as one purpose of device‐test is to ascertain attributes of devices that do not follow the simplified models commonly associated with these devices. In practice, it is the unexpected responses that consume a majority of the time spent in test and troubleshooting designs, particularly related to active devices such as amplifiers and mixers.
The principle instrument for testing microwave components is the vector network analyzer (VNA), and recent advances have increased the test capabilities of this instrument to cover far more than simple gain and match measurements. As a designer of VNAs for more than 30 years, I have been involved in consulting on the widest range of microwave test needs from cell phone components to satellite multiplexers. The genesis and goal of this book are to provide to the reader a distillation of that experience to improve the quality and efficiency of the R&D and production test engineer. The focus is on modern test methods; the best practices have changed with changing instrument capability and occasionally the difference between legacy methods and new techniques are sufficiently great as to be particularly highlighted.
Chapter 1 is intended as an introduction to microwave theory and microwave components. The first half introduces characterization concepts common to RF and microwave work. Some important mathematical results are presented that are useful in understanding the results of subsequent chapters. The second half of Chapter 1 introduces some common microwave connectors, transmission lines, and components, as well as some discussion of the basic microwave test instrumentation. This chapter is especially useful to engineers new to RF and microwave testing.
Chapter 2 provides a detailed look into the composition of common VNA designs along with their limitations. While this level of detail is not normally needed by the casual user, test engineers trying to understand measurement results at a very precise level will find it useful to understand overall results are affected by VNA test configuration. While the modern VNA can make a wide range of measurements, including distortion, power, and noise figure measurements, still the principal use is in measuring S‐parameters. The second half of Chapter 2 illustrates many useful parameters derived from basic S‐parameters.
Perhaps the most arcane aspect of using VNAs for test is the calibration and error correction process. Chapter 3 is a comprehensive discussion of the error models for VNAs, calibration methods, uncertainty analysis, and evaluation of calibration residuals. This chapter also introduces the idea of source and receiver power calibrations, about which, excluding this book, very little formal information is currently available. The chapter concludes with many practical aspects of VNAs that affect the quality of calibrated measurements.
Chapter 4 may be the most mathematically rigorous, covering the very useful topic of time‐domain transforms used in VNAs. The topic of gating, its effects, and compensation methods is examined in particular. These first four chapters comprise the introductory material to microwave component measurements.
The remaining chapters are focused on describing particular cases for microwave component measurements. Chapter 5 is devoted to passive microwave components such as cables and connectors, transmission lines, filters, isolators, and couplers. Best practices and methods for dealing with common problems are discussed for each component.
Chapter 6 is all about amplifier measurements and provides the understanding needed for complete characterization. In particular, difficulties with measuring high‐gain and high‐power amplifiers are discussed, including pulsed RF measurements. Non‐linear measurements such as harmonics and 2‐tone intermodulation are introduced, and many of the concepts for distortion and noise measurements are equally valid whether using a spectrum analyzer or a modern VNA for the test receiver.
Chapter 7 extends the discussion of active device test to that of mixers. Because few engineers have experience with mixers and they are often only superficially covered in engineering courses, the chapter starts with a detailed discussion of the modeling and characteristics of mixers and frequency converters. Measurement methods for mixers can be quite complicated, especially for the phase or delay response. Several key methods are discussed, with a new method of calibrating, using a phase reference, presented in detail for the first time. Besides the magnitude and phase frequency response, methods for measuring mixer characteristics versus RF and LO power are presented, along with distortion and noise measurements. This chapter is required reading for any test engineer dealing with mixers or frequency converters.
Chapter 8 brings in the concept of differential and balanced devices and provides complete details on the analysis and measurement methods for differential devices including non‐linear responses, noise figure, and distortion.
Chapter 9 provides a collection of very useful techniques and concepts for the test engineer particularly with respect to test fixturing including complete discussion of creating in‐fixture calibration kits.
Joel P. Dunsmore
Sebastopol, CA