Handbook of Microwave Component Measurements. Joel P. Dunsmore

Handbook of Microwave Component Measurements - Joel P. Dunsmore

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2Table 2.1 Sweeps needed for N‐port calibration

      3 Chapter 3Table 3.1 Systematic error termsTable 3.2 Measurements and associated error termsTable 3.3 S21 uncertainty vs. calibration it

      4 Chapter 4Table 4.1 Catalog of time‐domain responsesTable 4.2 Attributes of an eye diagram

      5 Chapter 5Table 5.1 Filter classification by application type

      6 Chapter 6Table 6.1 CITI file output format; the file output is broken into three colum...Table 6.2 S2P data formatTable 6.3 CSV file example

      7 Chapter 8Table 8.1 Peak‐to‐average statistics for noise‐like waveforms

      8 Chapter 9Table 9.1 NF verification uncertainty

      9 Chapter 10Table 10.1 Mixed‐mode S‐parameters expressed as single‐ended S‐parameters

      10 Chapter 11Table 11.1 Cal kit values for example PCB

      List of Illustrations

      1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 Voltage source and two‐wire system.Figure 1.2 2‐port network connected to a source and load.Figure 1.3 1‐port network.Figure 1.4 Modulated signal through a network showing distortion due to only...Figure 1.5 An amplifier with internal noise sources.Figure 1.6 Output power of harmonics of an amplifier.Figure 1.7 Measurement of a two‐tone signal at the input and output of an am...Figure 1.8 Output power and IM tone‐power versus input power.Figure 1.9 Spectral regrowth causing ACP in a 16 QAM signal.Figure 1.10 An NPR signal showing the total power and ratios of band power....Figure 1.11 A transmission line modeled as distributed elements.Figure 1.12 Impedance of a real transmission line at low frequency.Figure 1.13 An airline coaxial transmission line.Figure 1.14 Loss of a 15 cm airline and a 15 cm semi‐rigid Teflon‐loaded coa...Figure 1.15 A model of a coax line with periodic impedance disturbances.Figure 1.16 The return loss of a line with structural return loss.Figure 1.17 In‐series and between‐series connectors.Figure 1.18 A 7 mm connector.Figure 1.19 Examples of Type‐N connectors: commercial (upper) and precision ...Figure 1.20 Performance of a precision and a standard Type‐N connector.Figure 1.21 75 Ω Type‐N connectors: commercial (upper) and precision (lower)...Figure 1.22 Insertion loss of 75 Ω connectors.Figure 1.23 3.5 mm (f) and (m) (upper left); SMA (f) and (m) connectors (upp...Figure 1.24 Performance of SMA and 3.5 mm mated‐pair connectors.Figure 1.25 A 3.5 mm connector compared with 2.92 mm female (upper) and male...Figure 1.26 Performance of a mated pair, 2.92 compared with 3.5 mm.Figure 1.27 Response of mated pair of male‐to‐male and female‐to‐female 1.85...Figure 1.28 Response of a 1 mm mated pair and a 1.85 mm mated pair.Figure 1.29 PC board SMC launches.Figure 1.30 Planer transmission lines: microstrip (a), coplanar waveguide (b...Figure 1.31 CPW‐mounted IC.Figure 1.32 Examples of microwave filters: cellular phone handset filter (up...Figure 1.33 Directional couplers.Figure 1.34 The effect of attenuation at the input of a coupler.Figure 1.35 Coupler with mismatch after the test port flow graph.Figure 1.36 Isolator (left) and circulator (right).Figure 1.37 Schematic representation of a circulator.Figure 1.38 Models for a series resistor (left) and shunt resistor (right)....Figure 1.39 Input match of a single SMT resistor and two in parallel.Figure 1.40 Model of an SMT capacitor.Figure 1.41 Dual‐LO frequency converter.

      2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 A TR network analyzer block diagram.Figure 2.2 S‐parameter block diagrams for a three‐receiver and four‐receiver...Figure 2.3 Multiple sources in a single VNA.Figure 2.4 Example of a VNA source block diagram.Figure 2.5 Ratio source match: trace when using a power splitter (upper) and...Figure 2.6 Simplified diagram of source power match.Figure 2.7 Measured incident power into a load termination and an open termi...Figure 2.8 Block diagram for measuring power source‐match.Figure 2.9 A line stretcher used for match measurements.Figure 2.10 Measurement of long line indicating power source‐match using an ...Figure 2.11 Measured source output impedance away from the source frequency:...Figure 2.12 Schematic of a directional bridge.Figure 2.13 Adding a transformer between the source and the bridge.Figure 2.14 Replacing bridge elements with RF ports.Figure

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