Chicken. Paul R. Josephson
1 Cover
3 Introduction: Egg First Consumers and Their Role in Making the Modern-Day Broiler Conveyor-Belt Chickens From Cage to Carcass Panopticon of Production Notes
4 1 Chicken Culture Chickens and World Culture Science, Clubs and Beauty Pageants Chickens, Consumers and War Believing in Chickens Notes
5 2 Ecology and Industry Domestication of Chickens Well-Behaved Chickens Industry Joins Research What Came First, the Chicken or the Integrated Industry? Industrial Selection Chicken Ecology and Welfare Can There Be Modern Chicken Ecology? Notes
6 3 Chicken as Machine The Chicken Assembly Line Nose Job Industrial Dispatching Broilers as Pieces, Parts and Nuggets Broilers and Mechanically Separated Poultry The Broiler in the Aura of Antibiotics and Food Safety Broiler Diseases: A New Specialization and Always New Diseases Food Safety and Machined Chickens in an Era of Avian Influenza Notes
7 4 Shit and Feathers Factory Farms as Nature’s Outhouse Crossing a Broiler’s Ns and Ps Sweet Home, Alabama Birds of a Feather Broilers Warm the Atmosphere Notes
8 5 Pecking and Protest Avian Protest Debeaking of Public Discourse Is Protest on Behalf of Broilers Possible in Closed States? Protest from the Restaurant Industry A Slowly Growing Rumble: The Social Costs Notes
9 6 Drumsticks Flying the Coop The Impact of International CAFO Trade on Local Communities Migration and Sale Without Passports or Medical Certificates Notes
10 Epilogue: Broiler Chernobyl Notes
11 Index
List of Illustrations
1 IntroductionFigure 1 Over the course of less than a century, chickens were transformed from farmyard b…
2 Chapter 1Figure 2 This nineteenth-century chicken poultry stock illustration indicates the diversi…Figure 3 The industrial, as opposed to religious, slaughter of chicken in a modern proces…
3 Chapter 2Figure 4 Before the rise of factory farming, chickens ruled the roost – and had free range…Figure 5 As in simpler times, in less-pressured places chickens have continued to provide…
4 Chapter 3Figure 6 Machine-like chickens as part of the industrial machine, hooked to an overhead c…Figure 7 Plastic-wrapped cut-up processed chicken choices in a typical supermarket displa…Figure 8 The now-ubiquitous nugget that has entered the life of the world’s consumers. If…
5 Chapter 4Figure 9 Avian Influenza threatens the international bird trade and requires heightened e…Figure 10 The removal of poultry manure from an industrial shed.Figure 11 The major way to dispose of all the chicken shit is by spreading it on adjacent …
6 Chapter 5Figure 12 Broilers trucked in cages to slaughter. From hatching to death, they are boxed a…
7 Chapter