Introduction to Desalination. Fuad Nesf Alasfour

Introduction to Desalination - Fuad Nesf Alasfour

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feed is fresh water

      3 The of natural gas fuel.For CO2 emission

      4 Environmental impact of burning fossil fuels.

Fuel Calorific value (MJ/kg) CO2 (kg/kgfuel) CO2/energy (kg/MJ) SO2 (kg/kgfuel)
Coal 26 2.361 0.091 0.018
Fuel oil 42 3.153 0.075 0.040
Natural gas 55 2.750 0.050 0

       Extra activity:

      Student can perform the following:

      1 Perform parametric study to investigate the effect of on . Plot and explain.

      2 Perform parametric study to investigate the effect of xf on . Plot and explain.

      3 Find the values of the following thermo‐physical parameters at and (xf= 40 000 ppm); boiling point elevation (BPE), μ, v, k, hfg, cp, u, s, ρ. Explain the reason behind the differences.

      4 Find the values of the following thermo‐physical parameters at under two salinities; xf = 20 000 and 40 000 ppm for; BPE, μ, v, k, hfg, cp, u, s, ρ. Explain the reason behind the differences.

      5 Calculate entropy generation and irreversibility per mass of feedwater flow rate.

      Example 1.6 Performance of Feed Pump

      Feedwater is pumped from 100 kPa, 30 °C, 1.5 kg/s to 3 MPa, if pump efficiency is 75%:

Schematic illustration of the Performance of Feed Pump.


      1 Actual work input

      2 Reversible work

      3 Exergy destruction (irreversibility)

      4 Second law efficiency


      1 Working fluid water:State 1then h2 = 131.4 kJ/kg and s2 = 0.4423 kJ/(kg K).

      2 Wrev = Ψ2 − Ψ1

      3 Exergy destruction (irreversibility):

      4 Exergetic efficiency:

       Extra activity:

      Student can perform the following:

      1 Sketch T–v, P–v, and T–s diagram for actual and isentropic processes.

      2 Resolve example using seawater (x = 40 000 ppm) as feed. Refer to Appendix A.

      3 Compare results of feed seawater against water. Explain and comment.

      Example 1.7 Exergy Analysis of Rankine Cycle (Review)

      The condenser operates at 20 kPa using seawater cooling water at 4 °C (winter season).

Schematic illustration of exergy Analysis of Rankine Cycle.


      1 Rate of heat supply in the boiler.

      2 Rate of heat rejection in the condenser.

      3 Cycle thermal efficiency.

      4 Availability at each state (To = 298 K)

      5 Exergy destruction in each component assuming heat is added from a source at 800 °C and rejected at 4 °C.

      6 Cycle second law efficiency.

Graph depicts Availability at each state.


      1 v1 = vf @ 20 kPa = 0.001 017 m3/kgEnergy balance (first law):Since Δs = 0 (s2 = s1) at state 3 h3 = 3423.1 kJ/kg and s3 = 6.8826 kJ/(kg K) again the isentropic expansion turbine (s3 = s4) givesh4 = 2264.7 kJ/kg with quality x4 = 0.8552.Energy balance in turbine:and cycle Wnet = Wt − WpthenThe rate of heat added in the boiler (due to fuel burning)

      2 Rate of rejected heat:


      4 The thermal availability (exergy) for control volume system defined aswhere kinetic and potential exergies are neglected and ho and so are measured at environmental state (298 K).Exergy at state:One can notice that Ψ3 is the highest (explain).

      5 Exergy destruction (irreversibility) for steady flow process type is (isentropic process which is adiabatic and reversible type)where qin = h3 − h2 = 3165.6 kJ/kg and where qout = h4 − h1 = 2016.1 kJ/kg.Total amount of exergy destruction (irreversibility):Note that 40% of energy added (4818 kW) is destructed (wasted) due to irreversible processes, the reasons behind irreversibilities in any thermal system are combustion, heat transfer, mixing, friction, and non‐quasi equilibrium processes.

      6 The second law efficiency can be defined as (Carnot efficiency) then

       Extra activity:

      Student can perform the following:

      1 Explain the exergy value of fluid stream at each state.

      2 Explain the sources of irreversibilities in boiler. How can we reduce them?

      3 Calculate exergetic efficiency using the following three forms: (called rational) Compare and discuss.

      4 Resolve example assuming that seawater is at 30 °C (summer season). Explain results, and compare.

      5 Find the required fuel flow rate during summer using fuel oil and natural gas, and calculate the amount of emitted emissions: CO2 and SO2.

      1 1 MAL (2013). IDA Desalting Plants Inventory. Global Water Intelligence (GWI). Oxford, UK: Media Analytics Ltd.

      2 2 Desalination in Water Treatment (IDA2014).

      3 3 Youssef, P.G., AL‐Dadah, R.K., and Mahmoud, S.M. (2014). Comparative analysis of desalination technologies. Energy Procedia 61: 2604–2607.

      4 4 Alkaisi, A., Mossad, R., and Barforoush, A.S. (2017). A review of the water desalination systems integrated with renewable energy. Energy Procedia 110: 268–274.

      5 5 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2018). Edition of the Drinking Water Standards and Health Advisories. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

      1 1.1

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