Quantum Mechanics, Volume 3. Claude Cohen-Tannoudji

Quantum Mechanics, Volume 3 - Claude Cohen-Tannoudji

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with μ, we can write:

      There exists an insurmountable upper limit for the total particle number of a non-condensed ideal Bose gas.


       β. Condensed bosons

      As μ gets closer to zero, the population N0 of the ground state becomes:


      (we assume the box to be large enough so that L ≫ λT, which means βe1 ≪ 1); this population can therefore be proportional only to the square of L, i.e. to the volume to the power 2/3. It shows that this first excited level cannot make a contribution to the particle density in the limit L → ∞; the same is true for all the other excited levels whose contributions are even smaller. The only arbitrary contribution to the density comes from the ground state.

      As μ → 0, the total population of all the excited levels (others than the ground level) remains practically constant and equal to its upper limit (62); only the ground state has a continuously increasing population N0, which becomes comparable to the total population of all the excited states when the right-hand sides of (63) and (62) are of the same order of magnitude:


      This condition means that the average distance between particles is of the order of the thermal wavelength λT.

      Initially, Bose-Einstein condensation was considered to be a mathematical curiosity rather than an important physical phenomenon. Later on, people realized that it played an important role in superfluid liquid Helium 4, although this was a system with constantly interacting particles, hence far from an ideal gas. For a dilute gas, Bose-Einstein condensation was observed for the first time in 1995, and in a great number of later experiments.

      The “equation of state” of a fluid at thermal equilibrium is the relation that links, for a given particle number N, its pressure P, volume V, and temperature T = 1/kBβ. We have just studied the variations of the total particle number. We shall now examine the pressure of a fermion or boson ideal gas.

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