The Art of Healthy Living. Denise Kelly
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Kelly, Denise Naturopathic nutritional therapist, author. Title: The art of healthy living : how good nutrition and improved well-being leads to increased productivity, vitality and happiness / Denise Kelly. Description: Hoboken : Wiley, 2019. | Includes index. Identifiers: LCCN 2019024529 (print) | LCCN 2019024530 (ebook) | ISBN 9780857088116 (paperback) | ISBN 9780857088185 (adobe pdf) | ISBN 9780857088178 (epub) Subjects: LCSH: Self-care, Health. | Nutrition. | Health—Psychological aspects. Classification: LCC RA776.95 .K45 2019 (print) | LCC RA776.95 (ebook) | DDC 613.2—dc23 LC record available at LC ebook record available at
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Cover images: Courtesy of Bailey Sadler
The opinions in this book are Denise Kelly’s own, and do not reflect the opinions of John Wiley & Sons Ltd. This book should not be used to diagnose or treat any medical condition, and should not be used as a substitute for the advice of a qualified Medical Practitioner.
I like prosecco and I like chocolate. Not the opening lines you would expect to read when you find yourself embracing your new ‘nutrition to create success’ book! By the way, I do also love juicing and eating fresh whole foods.
To me, this is the secret to good health and success … yes it’s all about the BALANCE!
Getting a happy balance of life is vital, and this of course means many things, as I will explain. Firstly, looking after yourself nutritionally, buying the best quality foods you can find, not eating processed junk, and not downing a bottle of vodka every day of your life is pretty important. Trust me, in my experience as a nutritionist, I have just about seen it all in my clinics over the last 15 years (drug addictions; miracle cancer stories; sleep disorders; digestive complaints; heart attacks; liver, kidney, and bladder disease; allergies; strokes; asthma; mental, physical, and emotional disorders; daily depleting migraines; anxiety; hormonal disorders; diabetes; osteoporosis; arthritis; infections; deteriorations; fatigue; injuries … and the list goes on and on!).
I have found that being happy with your life, including all aspects – work, relationships, and success – is just as important as what you are eating and how much exercise you are getting. However, it is a vicious cycle: it goes without saying that the healthier you are, the more strength you have, leading to more energy. Higher energy creates much better behaving hormones, happier and more uplifted feelings, and a more positive general attitude. It also contributes to greater brain power with more clarity, calmness, and focus. When you are focused and in control of your emotions and your life, you make better decisions, which will help you move forward in the way that your heart desires and create passion, success, and achievement in all areas.
Life is short, right? There is no replay, so live it to the fullest.
After all you only get one shot (I know everyone has different beliefs, but that is irrelevant right now, because you really do get one shot at being you, right now, in this lifetime) so why waste time feeling pants? If you are not fuelled correctly, you will feel tired all the time, lethargic, low in energy, maybe even a little depressed, foggy in your thoughts, and unmotivated. Maybe you catch colds really easily, or you have to take a course of antibiotics each winter season because your body just can’t cope and you spend wasted hours in bed feeling poorly? Or maybe you are suffering from an illness that you know you could help if you had a better diet? Migraines for example can be completely debilitating for some people and cause endless sick days. From my experience, and the way I have worked with many clients over the years, you need to clean up the condition of your blood, clear the toxins out and strengthen your liver function, and the migraine attacks will disappear. None of this is rocket science. Sometimes the simplest of things can completely turn your health around and give you back that incredible zest for life. It’s just down to knowledge and informed choices.
How would you feel if I asked you to create an existence for yourself that you truly love? Doesn’t that make the most sense? I meet so many people every day that dislike their jobs, or have fallen out of love, but they are hanging in there because they are scared to be alone, or struggling with debt, abuse, or not achieving their goals and feeling despondent and disappointed with life.
Well, I am here to tell you, with conviction in my heart, that you can, and you will, turn your life around if you really have the desire. Knowledge is power and once you know, it is up to you what you do with that information. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink!
Also, when you are newly equipped with information, it’s really easy to want to tell everyone that you meet and lecture them with your new‐found knowledge that’s going to change the world. I was like that when I first qualified as a nutritionist, and when I look back now I feel utterly mortified! I thought I knew it all. But of course, I didn’t. It has taken years to understand what works and what doesn’t and that everyone is different. We all have our own journeys to go on in this world of discovery. Some people are just not ready to hear information that could propel them into success, or a happy relationship, or becoming a leader, or the best parent in the world!