Homeschooling For Dummies. Jennifer Kaufeld

Homeschooling For Dummies - Jennifer  Kaufeld

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      Welcome to the adventure called homeschooling!

      Teaching your children at home is a rewarding and engaging way to spend your time. You relearn cutting and pasting skills if you teach kindergarten, and you review algebra facts right along with your high school student. No matter what age your student happens to be, you find yourself learning and relearning right along with your child. If you tutor your children all the way through high school, you look up one day to realize that you just relived the academic portion of your high school years — doing it one-on-one makes school time less stressful for everybody.

      Whether you’re just about to embark on the home education journey, you already have a few years under your belt, or you’re interested in learning about this home teaching thing that your family member or friend pursues, Homeschooling For Dummies is your hands-on guide. These pages explain the intricacies of homeschooling in plain English and show you that you can do it too, if you decide that homeschooling meets your family’s needs.

      For the most part, this book reads exactly like any other: Words progress from left to right, sentences begin with capital letters, and so on. No surprises there, thank goodness. You may want to be aware of a couple additional features, however, as you read. They’re designed to help you get the most out of this book.

      Many pages contain an icon in the margin that points to important information. Icons save you the time and energy it takes to use your handy underlining pen. (The section about icons shows you the individual icons and tells you what they mean.)

      Knowing you picked up this book tells me who you

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