Semiconductor Basics. George Domingo

Semiconductor Basics - George Domingo

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about explaining this. It has to do with the attraction and repulsion of electrons and protons, and I will leave it at that.

Schematic illustration of subshell electron capacity in which the number of sites in each level increases as the energy level, n, increases.

      Consider another element that is used a great deal in semiconductors: antimony, Sb. It has 51 electrons. By looking again at Figure 1.16, we find the last occupied level is 5p, with three electrons. All the lower levels are full. Thus, the last occupied energy level, level 5, has five electrons – two in 5s and three in 5p levels – which gives it a chemical valence of 5. We will use these numbers in the next chapter to explain the difference between insulators, conductors, and semiconductors.

Schematic illustration of the portion of the periodic table emphasizing elements used in semiconductors.

      To complete some of the details of this chapter, the Rydberg constant can be calculated from more basic units. It is


      Look at the three terms in the denominator. There are meter (m) terms in the denominator with exponents −6 + 6 + 1 = 1 m, so only one meter unit remains in the denominator. Similarly, with the exponents of the kilograms, there are −2 + 3 = 1 in the denominator. There are four Qs in the denominator, and the seconds in the denominator cancel out (4 – 3 – 1 = 0). Now the kilograms and the coulombs in the numerator cancel those in the denominator, leaving only the reciprocal of a meter as the remaining unit, in agreement with Eq. (1.6).

      Now let's do the numbers.


      This agrees with the published result.


      We saw in the previous chapter that an atom's electrons have precise energy values (we represent them as orbits or levels). We also saw that electrons must have distinct quantum numbers (designations), which limits the number of electrons in an atom that can have a given energy. As atoms have more and more electrons, the electrons have to occupy higher and higher energy levels. An electron must absorb from somewhere the exact energy needed to jump from one level to a higher one. When it falls back to a lower level, it donates the same amount of energy. This is what happens in a gaseous state where the atoms are separated by large distances and do not interact with each other. This model beautifully explains the absorption and emission spectral lines of the elements, the sun, and the stars.

      In this chapter, we are going to push the atoms closer and closer together until we form a solid. Now the atoms and electrons start interacting with each other and forming bonds, which is what keeps them together in a crystallographic structure. As we push them together, the energy levels have to separate because, in a system, according to Pauli's exclusion principle, no two electrons can have the same quantum number. The levels split into bands. Depending on how the bands spread, the material behaves like a conductor, an insulator, or a semiconductor.

      Finally, we will analyze the specific case of semiconductors and how the electrons fit into the bands. We will also see how the lack of an electron, which we call a hole, is equivalent to a positive charge.