Introduction to Statistical Process Control. Muhammad Amir Aslam
alt="images"/> for net weight (in ounce) of a dry bleac...Figure 3.6 The
4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 Proposed control chart for the example (Aslam, Nazir, et al., 201...Figure 4.2 Proposed control chart for simulated data (Aslam, Nazir, et al., ...Figure 4.3 Existing control chart for simulated data (Aslam, Nazir, et al., ...Figure 4.4 Proposed control chart for simulated data (Aslam et al., 2016).Figure 4.5 Control chart by Saghir and Lin (2014) for simulated data (Aslam ...Figure 4.6 Proposed control chart for the circuit board data when i = 2, k1 ...Figure 4.7 Proposed control chart for the simulated data (Aslam et al., 2017...Figure 4.8 Shewhart control chart for the simulated data (Aslam et al., 2017...
5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 EWMA control chart for λ = 0.1.Figure 5.2 EWMA control chart for λ = 0.3.Figure 5.3 EWMA control chart for λ = 0.5.Figure 5.4 ARL1 for the proposed and existing chart for normal distance for Figure 5.5 ARL1 for the proposed and existing chart for normal distance for Figure 5.6 ARL1 for the proposed and existing chart for normal distance for Figure 5.7 ARL1 for the proposed and existing chart for t‐distance for n = 5...Figure 5.8 ARL1 for the proposed and existing chart for t‐distance for n = 5...Figure 5.9 EWMA sign chart for RGS for n = 10.Figure 5.10 EWMA sign chart for SS for n = 10.Figure 5.11 HEWMA control chart using repetitive sampling for simulated data...Figure 5.12 HEWMA control chart using SS for simulated data.
6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 The scheme of double sampling plan introduced by Croasdale (1974)...Figure 6.2 The scheme of DS plan introduced by Daudin (1992) (Irianto & Juli...Figure 6.3 Graphical representation of the RGS scheme (Adeoti & Olaomi, 2018...Figure 6.4 RGS control chart for calorific values (Ahmad, Aslam, & Jun, 2014...Figure 6.5 RGS control chart for moisture content (Ahmad et al., 2014).Figure 6.6 RGS control chart for ash content (Ahmad et al., 2014).Figure 6.7 RGS control chart for the hypothetical data (Khan et al., 2017)....Figure 6.8 RGS control chart for the urinary tract infection from Santiago a...Figure 6.9 Control chart for simulated data (Aslam, Khan, Ahmad, Jun, & Huss...
7 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 The Poisson EWMA chart for the raw material of a process.Figure 7.2 The COM–Poisson EWMA chart for the number of defective in circuit...Figure 7.3 ARL curves based on Poisson CUSUM chart and c‐chart for (a)...Figure 7.4 Reference value (h) versus ANOS values for the COM–Poisson CUSUM ...
8 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 The MP chart for the telecommunication data of bivariate counting...Figure 8.2 The MCP chart for the telecommunication data of bivariate countin...
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