Analysis and Control of Electric Drives. Ned Mohan
Requirements for Electric Drives
Electric drives are an interface between an electrical system and a mechanical system, as Fig. 2-1 shows. They themselves consist of an electric machine and a power electronic converter. In subsequent chapters of this book, we will look at the power electronic converter and its role, as well as analyze electric machines and how they can be controlled, given the desired speed and position of the mechanical system.
Fig. 2-1 Block diagram of adjustable speed drives.
In electric drives, the power flow may be in either direction. For example, in an electric vehicle in driving mode, power flows from the electric source, a battery, to the electric motor, a mechanical system, through a power electronic converter. On the other hand, while slowing down the vehicle, the roles are reversed. The kinetic energy of the moving vehicle energy is extracted (called regenerative braking), and power flows from the electric motor to the battery, again through a power electronic converter.
Electric drives must satisfy the requirements of torque and speed imposed by mechanical loads connected to them. The load in Fig. 2-2, for example, may require a trapezoidal profile for the angular speed, as a function of time. In this chapter, we will briefly review the basic principles of mechanics for understanding the requirements imposed by mechanical systems on electric drives. This understanding is necessary for selecting an appropriate electric drive for a given application.
Fig. 2-2 (a) Electric drive system and (b) example of a load‐speed profile requirement.
This analysis equally applies when the load becomes the source of power, as in a wind turbine, and the electric drive generates and transfers power to the utility grid, an electric system.
We will begin by applying physical laws of motion in their simplest form, starting with linear systems. In Fig. 2-3a, a load of a constant mass M is acted upon by an external force fe that causes it to move in the linear direction x at speed u = dx/dt.
Fig. 2-3 Motion of a mass M due to the action of forces.
This movement is opposed by the load, represented by a force fL. The linear momentum associated with the mass is defined as M × u. As shown in Fig. 2-3b, in accordance with Newton’s Law of Motion, the net force fM(=fe − fL) equals the rate of change of momentum, which causes the mass to accelerate:
where a is the acceleration in m/s2, which from Eq. (2-1) is
In MKS units, a net force of 1 Newton (or 1 N), acting on a constant mass of 1 kg, results in an acceleration of 1 m/s2. Integrating the acceleration with respect to time, we can calculate the speed as
and, integrating the speed with respect to time, we can calculate the position as
where τ is a variable of integration.
The differential work dW done by the mechanism supplying the force fe is
Power is the time‐rate at which the work is done. Therefore, differentiating both sides of Eq. (2-5) with respect to time t, and assuming that the force fe remains constant, the power supplied by the mechanism exerting the force fe is
It takes a finite amount of energy to bring a mass to a speed from rest. Therefore, a moving mass has stored kinetic energy that can be recovered. Note that in the system of Fig. 2-3, the net force fM(=fe − fL) is responsible for accelerating the mass. Therefore, assuming that fM remains constant, the net power pM(t) going into accelerating the mass can be calculated by replacing fe in Eq. (2-6) with fM:
From Eq. (2-1), substituting fM as
The energy input, which is stored as kinetic energy in the moving mass, can be calculated by integrating both sides of Eq. (2-8) with respect to time. Assuming the initial speed u to be zero at time t = 0, the stored kinetic energy in the mass M can be calculated as
where τ is a variable of integration.
Most electric motors are of a rotating type. Consider a lever, pivoted and free to move as shown in Fig. 2-4a. When an external force f is applied in a perpendicular direction at a radius r