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13-13 Design of the current‐loop controller.Fig. 13-14 Simulation of Example 13-3.Fig. 13-15 Simulation results of Example 13-3.Fig. 13-16 Real‐time induction motor vector control.Fig. 13-17 Simulation versus hardware speed result.Fig. 13-18 Estimated torque versus load torque in hardware.

      14 Chapter 14Fig. 14-1 Open‐loop ωmech and

position estimator.Fig. 14.2 Simulation of Example 14-1. (a) Overall Simulink model and (b) ope...Fig. 14-3 Results of Example 14-1.Fig. 14-4 MRAS ωm and
position estimator.Fig. 14‐5 MRAS θda and
determination.Fig. 14-6 Simulation of Example 14-2 MRAS estimator.Fig. 14-7 Results of Example 14-2.Fig. 14-8 MRAS estimator linearized system transfer function.Fig. 14-9 Simulation of Example 14-4: open‐speed estimator effect of paramet...Fig. 14-10 Simulation of Example 14-4: MRAS estimator effect of parameter va...Fig. 14-11 Bode plot of an ideal and practical integrator.Fig. 14-12 Bode plot of an ideal and practical differentiator.

      15 Chapter 15Fig. 15-1 Wind turbines with a complete power‐electronics interface [1].Fig. 15-2 Doubly fed generators (DFIGs) [1].Fig. 15-3 Cross‐section of a DFIG.Fig. 15-4 DFIG space vectors at the time t = 0; drawn with ωslip = +.Fig. 15-5 Rotor circuit one‐line diagram at slip‐frequency.Fig. 15-6 Flows of real and reactive power in a DFIG using a motoring conven...Fig. 15-7 d‐axis aligned with the rotor flux; stator and rotor current vecto...Fig. 15-8 Space vector diagram for Example 15-1.Fig. 15-9 Space vector diagram for Example 15-2.Fig. 15-10 Vector control DFIG drive.Fig. 15-11 Simulation of Example 15-3.Fig. 15-12 Simulation results of Example 15-3.

      16 Chapter 16Fig. 16-1 Block diagram of DTC.Fig. 16-2 Changing the position of stator flux‐linkage vector.Fig. 16-3 Inverter basic vectors and sectors.Fig. 16-4 Stator voltage vector selection in sector 1.Fig. 16-5 Simulation of Example 16-1.Fig. 16-6 Reference and estimated torque of Example 16-1.Fig. 16-7 Actual and estimated motor speed of Example 16-1.Fig. 16-8 Estimated stator flux of Example 16-1.

      17 Chapter 17Fig. 17-1 Permanent‐magnet synchronous motor rotor structure.Fig. 17-2 Reluctance variation of permanent‐magnet synchronous machine.Fig. 17-3 Permanent‐magnet synchronous machine (shown with p = 2).Fig. 17-4 Per‐phase equivalent circuit in steady state (ωm in elec. rad...Fig. 17-5 Controller in the dq reference frame.Fig. 17-6 Simulation of Example 17-1.Fig. 17-7 Simulation results of Example 17-1.Fig. 17-8 Stator flux‐linkage space vector.Fig. 17-9 IPM motor position estimator and controller.Fig. 17-10 Rotor position and speed estimation.Fig. 17-11 Rotor position estimator linearized system transfer function.Fig. 17-12 Restructured rotor position estimator transfer function.Fig. 17-13 Simulation of Example 17-3.Fig. 17-14 Simulation result of Example 17-3.Fig. 17-15 Electromagnetic torque as a function of current space vector posi...Fig. 17-16 Real‐time SPM synchronous motor vector control.Fig. 17-17 Hardware speed and dq‐current result.

      18 Chapter 18Fig. 18-1 Position change in a stepper‐motor.Fig. 18-2 (a) Cross‐section of a primitive machine and (b) λi trajec...Fig. 18-3 Variable‐reluctance motor; excitation sequence a‐b‐c‐a...Fig. 18-4 Two‐phase permanent‐magnet stepper‐motor; excitation sequence ia+,...Fig. 18-5 Axial view of a hybrid stepper‐motor.Fig. 18-6 Hybrid stepper‐motor excitation. (a) Phase‐a excited with ia+ and ...Fig. 18-7 Per‐phase equivalent circuit of a stepper‐motor.Fig. 18-8 Half‐excitation by exciting two phases.Fig. 18-9 Unipolar voltage drive for variable‐reluctance motor: (a) circuit ...Fig. 18-10 Bipolar voltage drive.Fig. 18-11 Cross‐section of a four‐phase 8/6 switched reluctance machine.Fig. 18-12 (a) Aligned position for phase‐a and (b) unaligned position for p...Fig. 18-13 Typical flux‐linkage characteristics of an SRM.Fig. 18-14 Calculation of torque.Fig. 18-15 Performance assuming idealized current waveform.Fig. 18-16 Performance with a power‐processing unit.Fig. 18-17 Flux‐linkage trajectory during motoring.Fig. 18-18 Power converter for a four‐phase switched reluctance drive.Fig. 18-19 Estimation of rotor position.Fig. 18-20 Control block diagram for motoring.


      1  Cover

      2 Table of Contents

      3  Begin Reading


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